Saturday, April 01, 2006


Last night my uncle told me about an apparently true incident which had happened to his grandfather. Considering that my uncle is seventy right now, I think this could be placed as having happened in the 1800s.

I don't know if you believe in ghosts. To be honest, I really don't know if I do either.Here goes.....

If you were to observe carefully any town which had a river running through it, you would probably notice that there always is a bridge that spans across the river connecting its two disjointed halves with a burial ground on either side. Even during the day time the gushing sounds of the river as it strikes the bank is an extremely overpowering one. Imagine it in the night time. The moon shining bright in a cloudless sky. The dry smoke that mildly mists above the ground that remain as final traces of the corpses burnt that day. The sounds of the river are no more just overpowering; they are also unnerving and quite eerie in the contrast to the silence that suffuses the night sky.

It had struck eleven one night. Unusually I had just completed my work and was trying to find my way home.Reluctantly , a man agreed to drive me across the bridge after much persuasion. In those days the mode of transport was a miniature caravan led by two horses. The caravan was open ended on both sides. One side seated the driver while the other had an iron rod across its middle to prevent a passenger from falling off in the event of sudden jerks and pulls.

I sat in the caravan right at the end one foot folded underneath me while the other dangled down.I gazed outside admiring the beauty of the river in the nightime.It looked magical, lit by moonlight. We were probably halfway across the bridge when I saw this lady leaning at its edge, her palms covering her face, sobbing. From what little I could see , she was beautiful.Slim, shapely, with milk pale hands and feet and exotic black hair cascading down her back. I could not really see her face. But what peeped out her hands was captivating. I turned to the cart driver and asked him to stop so we could console her in her sorrow and probably offer her a lift to the town. He ignored me and continued to whip his horses. We had hardly crossed a furlongh when the lady turned towards us and just stared. I was stunned. The body of an angel , the face of an old hag. She started to chase behind our caravan. We were travelling quite fast so I did not pay much heed. But much to my consternation, she was running extremely fast herself and was coming close to catching up. When she came near she lunged trying to grasp my leg which dangled down the side of the caravan.

In all haste I quicky dragged my leg inside, and crept closer towards the driver, huddling at his side. The driver turning back told me, "Whenever a corpse is burnt in the graveyard this lady tends to roam the bridge.Whatever else, we never stop, ignore her and try to go as fast as we can. We try to avoid travelling by night , but since you seemed desperate to get home I consented". We looked back to see that the lady was now close enough to grab the rod at the other end of the caravan. The driver quicky drove his whip to the horses , urging them to go faster. The horses were old and lame ones. They struggled. In those days, the end of each whip had a nail attached to it. When the horses is whipped the nail marks its hide and the pain tends to spur the horse to reach greater speeds. A wicked practice I know, but what you are used to , you do not look in askance at that.

We were lucky that night. We reached the end of the bridge without the lady reaching us. I was terribly shaken. I never crossed any bridge after that in the night time.


Kausikram Krishnasayee said...

Deepti .....u scare me...

twip said...

ahhh Deepti this chilled me to the bone!

On a side note: Do you read ghost stories?

ada-paavi!!!! said...

its 12 am,

theres a stream close to my house,

and a buddhist temple,

with a graveyard

and there goes my sleep :((

Sid said...


Shuuro said...

My uncle had similar experience during his youth but even now when he is in late 40s, whenever he recounts or when we remind that incident, he gets petrified & sleeps early for that day and for next few days, after dark he doesn't venture out into his fields. I haven't taken this seriously because i believe that he is bit faint hearted and may have hallucinated things but still similarities in both stories which can't be ignored. Last year when i visited my village, i had strange & bit chilling experience to which i have no explanation but still since i have not seen any ghost myself, so i am doubtful over their existence.

Good night everyone! ;)

Hash Gowda said...

It sounds like on of those Malgudi Days, Swami story.
I don't know whether Ghosts exist. But Night in a lonely space is SCARRY.

kaushik said...

definitely scary! and really well written!

i really liked the part where you described the river's sound at night!

Anonymous said...

hey deepti babes

i have heard this story from my dad scores of times as a kid :part of our bedtime story ritual.Would be scared out of my wits each time


Aditya said...

ooohhhh... ghosts....... better we stay out of this topic....

Deepti Ravi said...

@ MI - shame on you! so easily scared!! ;)

@megha - yes, i do! not too many however.. who write them? Scary stuff, blood curling stuff?? I was totally into that kinda stuff back in 8th..9th.. Roald Dahl, E.A.Poe ... what about you?

@ada-paavi - wow! What a coincidence !! The sadistic part of me is glad that I freaked you out!! ;)

@sid - Thannnks :) The title should have warned you that you were not meant to sleep :);)

@shuuro - how could you leave it that incomplete???!! What was the chilling experience you had??

@tenali - tell me about it!! I'm shit scared of the dark!!!!!!!! Especially in houses which have roaches in the bathrooms!!!

@Kaushik - Thanks :) Its nice to know that I really did cause sleepless nights!! :)

@sabs - hey sabs!! I swear...!! Dad was not in town for 10 days..and jus' thought I'd crash at your place for a night.. and after hearing your dad's tale didn't have the guts to stay alone at home!! Took the easy chicken way out and gladly took up ur mom's insistent suggestions to stay the night at their place ;) btw been meaning to mail you.. Happy B'day... esp considering that it is the Big O...!!! :)

@aditya - *pluk , pluk pluk, pluk, pluk*

IcEyeZ said...

Tht brought the daylights outta me a lil I read it around 11 Pm today..;-)...anwyayz a good portrayal of life decades ago..!

vishy said...

there is a saying in Tamil- arandavan kannu kku irundathellam pei..

meaing if u are scared..everything u see seems like a ghost..

as far as this ghost stories goes.. I think only a personal experience might bring in some belief... but I am still thinkover the acts of some tantriks.. who do these black magic kind of stuff...

Jagan said...

trust me ..semma post ethu ..u hav got gud ways with words .

Pradeep Nair said...

I will not -- to be fair to the raconteur -- dismiss the story as a figment of imagination. I have had strange experiences myself, though not ghostly, but defying explanation and conviction. I have learnt from experience that not everything -- good or bad -- in this world can be explained away; and ghost are just one of them.

Anonymous said...

You need an occasional chat with your uncle or an encounter with the auto driver to get more sensible and practical in life!!! :-))

Vasu the terrible said...

Whoa!!!!... That was a cool story.. Scary and I think it is true..

I believe in ghosts.. they have the same space as we do.. A friend of mine is a muslim from faislabad (next to ayodhya).. his family has wheat farms out there and whenever he goes home for summer holidays, he helps out in the farm.

One night as they lay on the machan (protecting their crop during harvest), he noticed a unusually huge man... close to 10 feet... As he woke up and cried in horror. His uncle silenced him with his hand.. It seems these are ghosts who live in the other world and like us they have the share of the world and its bounties.

According to him, the ghosts have a share of the harvests.. and when the harvest happens and the grains are collected, there is a clear percentage drop in the quantity..

Its believed that the ghost always takes its shares.. It maybe outlandish, but I have a feeling its true.. and such believes transcend belief in god itself...

good story...


twip said...


Deepti Ravi said...

@megha - yeah!! it's been really toooo long!!! Been too tied up with work!!

@vasu - why do i hate to say believable?? I'm happiest not believing in the existence of spirits!!!

@anon - why do I get the weird feeling that you seem to know me ? ;)

@pradeep - hey!! You should be recounting them!!! I'm all ears!!

@jagan,iceyez - thanks :)

@vishy - hmm... kinda true.. but then there are some experiences that defy any pragmatic explanation!!

Anonymous said...

u copy cat....stole my title..lolz...march 31st i posted n u on april first...or is it co-incidence? nan sense....u stole my title...newez nice story...kinda like sleepy hollow..lolz...only based on 1800 as u sed..

Deepti Ravi said...

oh damn!! I never realised!! :) I don't know if it was coincidence or wat?? I was thinking about Roald Dahl when I gave that title.. He has this scary short story collection titled 'Tales of the unexpected - for those who suffer from sleepless nights' .. so I guess unconciously I clubbed the two and gave the title I did ;)

Anonymous said...


I am Aswin. I stumbled upon your blog.

I hate for reading this article. Its 23:22 hrs now and I am really very afraid.

my heart is beating faster.

damn !!!

But nice description.


Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work »