Friday, April 28, 2006


I got this really interesting forward today ( yeah ,sure.. what else do I mostly do at work other than read the forwards I get ;) )... some of it I was aware of, while the rest I was not. Its typically directed against people like me who abstain from even showing their shadow near a voting booth.

I don't vote because I love ranting and raving against the corruption that is prevalent, the ridiculous quota systems that are to be introduced, the growing insecularity of our country, bad roads, free power, free colour Tv's and *blah, blah , blah*. And it makes life a lot more easy because no one can refute my arguments by making the simple statement, " You voted them in". Its simple for me to retort back,"But I didn't. I don't vote".

Just think about it. As long as I abstain from voting I can bitch about the government and the opposition in an impartial manner because my concience is free of the guilt of having bought those self same idiots to power despite being complete aware of their pretensions of being just, kind, fair and people serving over self serving. Were I to vote someone into power and they not fulfil the aspirations that I were to set for them( which anyway no sane person does - i.e. expect stuff) then more than being sorely disappointed I would have to feel lousy for having been one of the idiots responsible of having given that person the car, the bungalow, the crores, the eighth wife, the gold rings, the trips abroad,the slippers, the sarees, the money from gun sales,the money from stamp and fodder scams.. oh yes, crores and crores of money!!

Yeah , you can easily tell me that I am just a drop in an ocean, but I can retort back,"But every drop that makes the ocean counts.Were all of them to go on a strike, the ocean would be empty ;) ). Anyway ( I read this article that stops me from saying anyway(s) ), this is the article I wanted to bring to all of your notices.............

Among the reasons for poor voter turnout in the cities, particularly of the middle and upper classes, is the complaint that they have no real choice considering the poor quality of candidates and the poor public image of the parties these candidates represent. Secondly, many citizens believe that their votes are not really going to make a difference.

Since in the ensuing elections there is no provision for indicating rejection of candidates on the ballot, except by invalidating the vote by ambiguous voting - that is, putting the stamp on the line separating one candidate's name from another -- the Indian Liberal Group recommends a solution that already exists in the Conduct of Election Rules 1961. This not only gives reluctant voters a reasonable choice, but also ensures that their vote does make a difference.

Rule No. 49(O) in the Conduct of Election Rules 1961 says:

"Elector deciding not to vote - If an elector, after his electoral roll number has been duly entered in the register of voters in Form 17 A and has put his signature or thumb impression thereon as required under sub-rule (1) of rule 49L, decided not to record his vote, a remark to this effect shall be made against the said entry in Form 17A by the presiding officer, and the signature or thumb impression of the elector shall be obtained against such remark. "

Explanation: In other words, a voter can go to the polling station and tell the presiding officer that he/she does not wish to cast her/his vote. The presiding officer will make a remark that the voter does not wish to vote and take the voter's signature against his/her name in the register of voters (Form 17A). At the end of the day, the presiding officer will, in totalling the number of votes cast, also include the number of electors who refused to cast their vote. By doing so, voters make it clear to all political parties that they are not satisfied with the kind of candidates put up by them. Though they have done their duty as citizens by going to the polling station, they have not found anyone on the ballot paper who deserves their vote. This is the Protest Vote.

If large numbers of citizens exercise their franchise in this manner, political parties will be forced to be far more careful in ensuring they do not nominate crooks and criminals or incompetents as their candidates next time round. This in turn will see the emergence of honest and committed candidates getting into Parliament and state legislatures in the long run, thus leading the way to good governance. After the present elections have concluded, the Indian Liberal Group will press for the Protest Vote facility on electronic voting machines the next time round, so that voters have the option to say "None of the Above" after scrutinizing the candidates on the ballot.

The other factor thats involved with this 49(0) section is a scary section for the political parties.
Here's an example. Say there's a candidate standing in City A.
And say out of 100 people only 40 people turn to vote and out of that the Candidate recieves 30 votes. Then by rule, he's been declared as elected. But say, if out of the 100 people 70 turn to vote. and 30 people vote for the candidate and the other 40 people use section 49(0), to say i am not interested in anyof the candidate. Then if, the candidates vote(which the vote he got ie., 30) is less than the vote against him (under section 49(0) - which is 40), then by rule he would not be elected as winner and in turn he would not be able to participate in anymore further elections. And the election for CITY A will be re-held with fresh candidates. Now that sounds great handle for people!!

And i hope that's why many people dont know about section 49(0) and the politicians and the goverment still tries to keep it a hidden secret.


Kausikram Krishnasayee said...

the Indian Liberal Group will press for the Protest Vote facility on electronic voting machines the next time round, so that voters have the option to say "None of the Above" after scrutinizing the candidates on the ballot.

we have got it this time itself, i guess. there is going to be a "None of the Above" facility this time. its sad tht none of the news channels talked about it, what with all the political parties owning a major chunk of them.

AWY said...

Maybe u havent heard of the 'o' -podu campaign... It deals with this very same thing...
you must check this link out...

Anonymous said...

how i thot i was gona wear black clothes n stand outside d election centre n scream derogatory words...lolz..

Aditya said...

Hey!!! I just realised I am eligible ro vote... I crossed 18 two years back but haven't voted once... But then if I'd ever go to the polling booth, then it will be for utilising this rule, if ever implemented...........

Prashanth said...

Deepti, don't you think it is rather naive to think of voting as choosing the less corrupt political party? If life were that simple, I would say it is ok to not vote, since all the local political parties are equally and extremely corrupt... but when you cast your vote, you are voting for the sum total of the things that the party represents, especially their policies. You will definitely agree that the parties have different ways of thinking and can't seem to agree on a single thing. Clearly, they have very different policies and plans for everything from education to health care to infrastructure. Your primary aim in voting is to choose a good set of government policies, than to put the less corrupt party into power. The masses may go into a periodic oscillation of "Oh, party 1 was terrible last time so I will vote for party 2. If party 2 is terrible this time I will vote back party 1," but the educated youth like us should make more intelligent decisions.

Also, you have to understand that it is better to have an experienced but crooked politician in power than an inexperience but upright politician. Running a country or a state or whatever smaller unit requires skill and an iron hand, or the results will be more catastrophic than having some corruption in the system. By forcing re-elections through abstention, you will accomplish one of two things: one, the gears of democracy will be brought to a halt, for no candidate will be satisfactory; or two, someone with little political experience or acumen gets elected. Both options will turn out to be worse than the current system.

S.G.Ramkumar said...

It's good to have "none of the above" in the polling list, but think about the amount of money spent each time for polling, repolling and so on,

IMHO, this "none of the above" will face some problem in the initial stages but eventually will work well, if we continue to have it. Hope for the best.

sandipan said...

hey that's an interesting option:) . however, think of this... suppose we have a legislature giving us the power to recall the elected candidate if his performance is not satifactory. it would in fact give every candidate to prove his claims and the power to the voters to judge them well.

Eclectic Blogger said...

going to the voting booth jus to tell them we r not going to vote.. damn.. nevertheless we shud wait for hours in the queue just to do that.. and its def a pain :)

Deepti Ravi said...

@eclectic - announce it and someone is gonna just as easily put a kadalai vote in ur name ;)

@sandipan - god forbid!!! Can you imagine the heavy expenses??? Already our hard earned money is gonna go towards buying colour tvs.. last thing we need is to have more of our money wasted on elections!!!

Deepti Ravi said...

@ram - a very valid point that you have !!

@prashanth - you put me 2 shame!!!:) I can't do much other than agree with you :)

@aditya - hey kiddo!! Welcome to 'the eligible to vote' cadre ! But are you aware that you need to own a voters id to vote?? ;) lolz

@1dollar - are you going to? Do me a fav.. tell me which booth.. i'm sorely in need of good entertainment ;)

@anna - that was really interesting article!wasn't aware of that until now :)

Deepti Ravi said...

@mi - prob they just think getting it is insignificant

Revathi R said...


Read this too -

But I got a forward saying that if vote for 49 - o exceeds 30% of the total no. of voters in any constituency, relection will be conducted with NEW candidates!

Is it true? I was checking with many but could not find a reply. Could not get the Catalyst Trust on phone!

twip said...

Yeah , you can easily tell me that I am just a drop in an ocean, but I can retort back,"But every drop that makes the ocean counts.Were all of them to go on a strike, the ocean would be empty

ha ha ha ha. brilliant.:D

And gosh! I didnt know this section even for thought....:)

Pradeep Nair said...

1. Most of the newspapers carried the news about this rule No 49 a few months back. I don't know how many people read that news item properly. Anyway, suddenly it has going around as a forward.

2. Democracy and universal suffrage (voting) can be a success only when politicians are above board, decent, qualified to run the country and accountable. Democracy rests on politicians. If polticians have failed, democracy has failed. Then the only hope is for people themselves to take the lead, like it has happened in some east European countries.

Anveshi said...


Anonymous said...

Section 49(0) - especially the one about more No votes leading to election being invalid - is made up, as everything usually is with email forwards.


twip said...


Why Am I said...

hey just section 59(o)..there is an option where u dont have to vote if u dont wanna!!

Anonymous said...

what was that !! sec 49 ?? I dont think any such rule exists

Nimme said...

wel i personally feel
we must be wise enough to choose the best among the worst

whats the point of 49o et all

we have to choose one candidate from other 10.

if all 10 are bad choose the one who is less bad.

49o may sound democratic ..but
we must vote for a person rather that going for 49o

nandini said...

Wow! I dodn't know such a thing existed- that may well be the only option left to us

Unknown said...


Saw Atlas Shrugged as one of your fav books. So you will be familiar to the 'blanking out' concept. You are 'blanking out' and then saying some feel good statements.

Yes, democracy is imperfect. But what else would you prefer? A system in which if you don't live by the laws of sharia, you will be killed? where if you speak out against the Polit bureau or the great leader, you can be imprisoned for life?

People who don't take an interest in democracy are always going to be ruled by people who (they presume) are inferior than they are.

However 'uncool' it sounds, you will always have to go and select what you think is the best choice among the living men on that sheet or EVM.

Pls. remove my post if u find it offensive. Had to respond when I saw your post at the end of a bad day... :-)


Vasu the terrible said...


where art thou ?


ரவி said...

நல்லா எழுதி இருக்கீங்க...

Da Rodent said...

helllooooooooooooooooo.... update...

Saurabh Dhall said...

rule # 49(0) is gud... respect... loner...

Vasu the terrible said...

writers block ??

Deepti Ravi said...

a severe case of it !!! :) :)

Vasu the terrible said...

hmmmm... want to do a cloth post ?

you write one para and I will write another one.. similar to the word building game..

Am struggling with my own block, cant give it a clear direction.

sometimes my grumpy mood doesent lend to humour.

let me know.


Deepti Ravi said...

Sounds good.. I'm game!!!![:)].. Who will start?? I actually finally have got a bee in my bonnet on the idea of freedom.. so wat say you?? Shall I start... or will you???

Vasu the terrible said...

I will start... Send me a test email at

Simple rules.

100 words per paragraph. Total post not more than 8 paragraphs.

4 for you and 4 for me..

I will get the first paragraph ready and email you.. read it and add a paragraph and email me..

8th paragraph would be conclusion..

everything else is experimental.. what say ??

email me


Random Access said...

knock knock... anybody home?

Random Access
The search has just begun !!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Dipti,
It is nice to read/hear such rules, but Nothing will happen in INdia. Everybody is so currupt & also if you look at the statostics of voting you will find max voting is done by poor people & thoes who are close to the political parties (for self intrest) i.e. @65-70% voting is done by these people. 10% is always an error in the voting list so even if 20% people use their right of 49 O nothing will happen in the system.

E said...

I heard abt those rules as well. Wrote a post on the topic and a few weeks later googled with it to check if my post would be in the ranking.

I wrote a post long back named "india shrugged" and was attracted by ur blog title. Surprisingly, we propose similar posts: rule 49-0, eve teasing, beggars, etc. The major difference is u being a desi and me a pardesi.

Keep it up!

El Casey said...

Good Lord, Depti! And you are from Bangalore, land of the upwardly mobile and home of a bunch of jobs that used to belong to people living elsewhere. There is a part of me that wants to say 'Shame on you'. The last conversation I had with my maternal Grandfather, who died almost half a century ago and remains one of the strongest and most vital influences in my life, occurred shortly after an election in New York in 1958 when I was 10 and he told me had voted for the incumbent governor of the State who everyone knew was going down to ignominous defeat. I asked him why he bothered voting under those circumstances and he gently, lovingly but firmly slapped my face and said 'You must vote.' This 1st generation American immigrant from the Austro-Hungarian Empire said 'You should kiss the ground you walk on and thank God you were born in a country where you can vote.' Of course, as a ten year-old I could not vote, but I knew what he meant. When, several weeks ago, I was faced with a choice among completely obnoxious politicians, an incumbent Senator who is running for President who was a champion of our war of aggression in Iraq and a crusading would-be governor who favors capital punishment both of whom would win, everyone knew, by huge margins, I nonetheless trekked to the polling both and voted for Green Party candidates so irrelevant that the media never even bothered to announce their tallies. First, I had to keep faith with my grandfather; I had no choice. But second, there is a burden upon me as a citizen which does not end with pulling a meaningless lever in a corrupt election, but it does indeed begin there. Having taken that step with my beloved and pitifully duped and misinformed countrymen and women I maintained the right not merely to bitch and moan (a sacred right of which I make extensive use) but also the right to commune with those as disgusted as I on the best ways to commune with those who as yet have no clue. I may end my life in as much of a political wasteland as my grandfather did. But he bequeathed his anger at the world he saw before him and his urgency to see it change to me. I must not rest until I have secured the change he would have sought or until I have passed that mantle on to someone younger, stronger and more resourceful than I. And in the meantime, I must keep voting. And please, so must you.

Anonymous said...

new post please.....not fair........