Tuesday, April 18, 2006


I think the most horrific memory I have of my brother is the time I accidently dropped his inkpot.It crashed to the ground from his study table, the ink spreading across the floor. You could have mistaken it for blood if it were not for the colour.I remember feeling shit scared of what he would say.My fear was quite justified.After helping me clean the floor,he made me face the wall and rub my nose against it.Even a hundred apologies did not mollify him.At the end of half an hour when he finally relented and let me off from the wall I had already lost probably 10 layers of my skin.It was his turn to be horrified.Obviously. Dad got to know of the incident and I think blasted my brother.He didn't think the punishment merited the crime. Neither did I.Yet, I still had to go an entire term to school with a tanned brown face and a pinkish white nose. I'm surprised that I don't have the nickname 'Rudolph'.

My brother used to always delight in getting in me into trouble with my aunts and my grandmother. The same as I used to love getting him into trouble with Dad. It helped that Dad was mostly partial towards his younger daughter.There was this one time when my brother and me were eating Dosas at the table and he started sprinking his with Catch salt. Quick to imitate my brother in everything he did, I mimicked his action. No sooner did I begin, he shouted out, " Patti, look at what Deepti is doing!!!". My grandmother quick to support her sensible grandson and berate her scatterbrained grand daughter whacked me across my head and when I said, "But, it was Siddhu who told me to" admonished me for lying about my brother.It was always said by everyone, " I wish Deepti were more like Siddhu. He is sooo 'Samathu'( well behaving ) whereas Deepti is too naughty and always getting into trouble".They never bothered to try find out that quite a few of the scrapes I got into, I was ably led into them by him and while I was left holding the sword he would have long since sprinted away.

I paint a rather devilish,wicked and bullyish picture of my brother don't I? That he was. But I think he was also a lot more than that.

I remember all those times he was around to pull me out of all those terrible scrapes I would get into ( irrespective of whether he got me into them or not!!).The time when I was six and I lit a 50 walah holding it in my hand. He quickly lept, grabbed it out of my hand and threw it away just in the nick of time.He slapped me, but never complained to Dad about it.Or those times when I was eight and he was thirteen and we would travel alone from our grandparent's house to ours by bus ( some 20 kms).When the bus would be crowded, he would find me a seat to sit in and keep an eye on me throughout the journey.

But, more than any other incidents there are three that I will probably never forget.

When we were small,during my birthdays, after the party he would invariably take me to a shop and buy me 'Phantom Ciggaretes' as a birthday gift 'cause they were my favourite sweets.I adored him so much!!

The second was when I was three and he was eight.We were playing Holi in our apartment complex when I suddenly felt a shooting pain in my stomach. I pointed at another kid and tugging at my brother's kurta told him,"Anna, my stomach is paining.That boy he shot me". The boy in question was probably twenty feet away,just staring at us and by no stretch of anyone's imagination could have wielded a gun that could have sprayed me from that far away! Yet , my brother just to comfort me and stop me from being unhappy pointed his pichkari in that guy's direction and sprayed it a couple of times in the air and said, "There, now I have shot him too". Reminds me of that Surf Excel brother and sister ad.

The last one is the time when I probably had lost my calculator for the umpteenth time when I was in college.I was terrified of what my Dad would say.I was certain I was going to get screwed. I decided to ask my bro for a loan to buy a new one. He gave me this disgusted look and asked me, " why don't you just ask dad? He will blast you but will definitely get you a new one". When I told him that it was the second calculator I had lost in a year, he gave me this dry look and said "No. Why don't you just learn to face your stupidity?".A couple of hours later and a million under the breath raves and rants against my brother for being so insensitive, I found a brand new calculator lying on my desk and a short lecture on being more careful. I was amazed, yet touched.Never found the right words to thank him.

My brother is one of the most contradictory persons I have ever met. The birthdays I would ask him for a gift, he would tell me to get lost. Yet on the birthdays in which I didn't remind him off, I would find a gift lying on my study table and an indifferent, "Ah, Happy Birthday".

My brother has never been one for words. He would probably give me a disgusted look if I were ever to ask him if he cared about me. We don't really have anything to talk to each other about. I think its years since we had a decent conversation with each other.When we do talk our conversation is quite stilted and formal. Any stranger would be quite justified in thinking that we were just acquaintances if they were to overhear the kind of conversations we have.Yet none of it has ever really mattered to me. Because no conversation, no honeyed words of love, no hugs and kisses can replace what I do know that I have from my brother. Despite our indifference towards each other, I do know that I have someone I can always depend on when I'm stuck in a quagmire of shit.


Hey Bro! I know you never read my blogs. I probably will as usual get you a shirt or a music CD for your birthday the way I always have.But this is a special dedication to you for our 22.5 years of being bro and sis!! Happy Birthday, April 19th!!


ada-paavi!!!! said...

tht was a lovely post,

me single child so don know much bout all dis sandai!

kaushik said...

hey..great! reminds me of all the pranks i use to play with my sister!
And as kaushik (wah! ) says above...captures everything a brother feels but won't say......i myself have done many of the things your brother did...
great post!

B o o said...

Awwww! So sweet! Happy Birthday to your Bro and long live sibling rivalries! Thats what makes our memories more fonder! :)

AWY said...

Have always thought an elder bro would be the best of friends and the worst of nightmares..
Have always wished i had an elder bro...

P.S.-I noticed you blogrolled me! thanx! but the link is broken...

Prashanth said...

Hmmm looks like you've conveniently omitted any pranks you played on your brother ;)

Hash Gowda said...

Very true. This is sis-bro,sis-sis,bro-bro relation usually any where. But few of them are really cute situation. Wish ur bro Belated from my side. I am also a bro :D.

Kausikram Krishnasayee said...

must get some advice frm yur bro on how to handle naughty sisters ;)

Aditya said...

Cho Chweeeeeeeeeeeet!!!!!!!!
Personally miss having a sister myself.... "Phantom Cigarettes'-- Rings a bell... My grandpa used to buy them for me!!!!!!!!!!! Wish you get much more close in the forthcoming years.....
And then my Best wishes to your bro on his b'day... Have a fantabulous day...
He can't mebbe get any better present than this cuteeeeeee post..

vishy said...

nice post .. lucky brother.. I have always felt bad about not having a sis..

Einsteinophile said...

Its a lovely birthday gift! He wouldnt have got such a different gift.
Words, the Everlasting Words!

ASSET said...

The post was sweet, and will definitely bring back nostalgic memories for ne1 who had bro or sis.
I have an elder sis, n I have always been subjected to being tagged a kid.
"Tum abhi chhote ho" is a common refrain, tht I hv been listening since ages.
But as I grew up, I understood the phenomenon, tht with the oncoming of a younger sibling, the elder is usually considered 2 b a tad senior and always correct.

But differences and old memories apart, I love my sis like nething, and even if i may b staying far away from her, or don't meet her tht often; but just one look of her in person makes me forget all the grudges i at all carry.

This bonding is just so b'ful.


Vasu the terrible said...

I tried hard to make my younger bro call me anna.. But i ended up not even calling him da.. :D..

nice post... its always that too much familiarity between siblings which make them not be vocal with words..


Deepti Ravi said...

@ada- paavi - i don't know whether to say lucky you, or unlucky you!!! ;) hmm.. i guess.. yeah.. you do miss out on the relationship!!

@kaushik r - really? That means I was right in my estimation? ? lol..

@kaushik , the other - i couldn't resist adding the other ;) wicked you , for having plagued your sister !!!!

@boo - yeah!! Sibling rivalries sure do make those memories evergreen!!!

@anna - thanx, I should check out that link and change it .. I mostly end up at your blog thru others ..so never paid too much attention ;) and worst of nightmares.. yeah sometimes I agree, but best of friends?? I must beg to differ on that !!!

Deepti Ravi said...

@prashanth- well... that's probably because I was mostly always the innocent injured party!! ;) ;) and anyways *sigh* , I hate to admit this.. but he always thought two steps ahead of me.. so i could never really get away with any prank I might have planned against him !! :( :(

@tenali - yeah, sure :)

@ m i - may a cat bite your tongue !!! i'm on your sister's side anyday!!

@arthi - :) :) I can imagine how your sister would have felt!!! :) :)

Eclectic Blogger said...

wow! i wish i had a kid sis that i cud spoil :(

Eclectic Blogger said...
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Anonymous said...
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twip said...

awwwwwww....that was sooo cute!!!

I have no experience of being a younger sibling, BUT I am an older sibling and I have a younger sister who reminds me of you.
Bratty to the core, she keeps getting in trouble and putting me in trouble as well...but I love my kid sister!


nandini said...

some great memoroes that you've collected here... the good times and the bad... maybe I should do one about me and my sis now!

Shashi Iyer said...

you rock. loved this one.
p.s: why's the drive safely post off? it was nice.

Chitra said...

Ha ha ....shot in the stomach eh? :) :)

Anonymous said...

im choking wid emotion...damn gud blog...very nice...nee late-ah blog panalum latest-ah pannurey..i cud relate cos dats d brother i wud b if i had siblings...lolz

kuttichuvaru said...

coming here after a long time..... tat was really a very sweet post!! I am the elder one in my family too n hav a younger brother... totally agree with havin no big conversation n yet sharin the love n bonding!! nice one!!

Jagan said...

me and my sis ethey level thaan ..
and i am not tht gud at expressing emotions ..and nor does my sis expects them ..and yet I know how far she had go and support me :-) ..

wish ur bro on my behalf .

Deepti Ravi said...

@jagan , kuttichuvaru- It's reassuring to know that most bros and sis s have this kind of relationship!!! :)

@1dollarsaint - thanx ;) hmm.. only child syndrome, huh?

@chitra - ;) yeah.. lol :) :)

@sashi - thanx.. wat's the p.s? Didnt get that..

@nandini- you should!! It would be fun to read about you and kutti appam!!

Deepti Ravi said...

@megha - Did'ja call me a brat???? *grrrr* ;)

@eclectic - *sigh*, then wish you were my bro to spoil me ;)

@vasu - lol!!! You know what?? I was forced to call my bro 'Anna'. Until we were old enough and he requested me to desist from doing so!!

@anshul - hmmm.. yeah.. sounds familiar ' you're jus' a kid' .. you can't join us ... blah..blah..blah ;)

@vishy,einsteinophile,aditya - Thanx!

@aditya - how's ur gramps doing now???

Shashi Iyer said...

there was a post on drive safely, right? or was i ...?

sandipan said...

hey cute post!! i being a single child, don know much about the fights but i think you captured the essence of the relationship.

Eternal Ramblings of a Deranged Mind said...

A fantastic post.... Very very interesting read, considering I was about to fall asleep on a Thursday afternoon at work.

Why Am I said...

haha well I have an older sis and a younger bro...and alwayss used to get sandwiched between the two...but it was fun!! my similar experience was when I was cutting an eraser into two, and wanted the bigger piece..so I accidently cut his hand with a new blade!!...and i hope no one would find out.....:)..and i guess u wud know what happened next.....sigh...those were the days!!

Unknown said...

This was a nice post.

Enigma said...

:) stumbled acrossur blog nice post:) i do understand how u feel. iam a single kid. so always missed having big bro . so tried to compensate with few frnds amd i too have a rakhi bro! who troubles me in thsi way. who acres for me yet never shows it out, with hwom i jsut wnat to fight crib and scream yet he won't buge :) so i know its a nice feeling to know that he is there for u