Saturday, April 26, 2008


It’s been exactly two weeks to the day since I set my first foot in ISB. And these two weeks have felt like a lifetime of living. Right from the first day the journey has been a roller coaster ride, and I think the coaster is going to stop for a break only on April 4th 2009.

There are so many chaotic thoughts running through my head at the moment. I’ve met so many fascinating people, so many not so fascinating people, been bowled over by the sheer beauty of the campus and fallen in love with LRC.

The first week on campus was the orientation week. The alums Class of ’08 were fabulous. Kudos to them for having made us, Class of ’09, feel so at home within a week.

We’ve had a zillion gyaan sessions, parties, sports, informal meetings and so much more. The best of it all has to have been the treasure hunt. Hunting for clues all over the campus gave us a good understanding of it’s layout in a matter of few hours. A few hours of cursing the alums for making us sweat it out!!

I used to wonder sometimes during the orientation week if I was being overdosed, but in the hindsight I realized that they were setting the pattern for what is to follow. So much to do. So little time. The first week, I averaged 5-6 hours of sleep and stayed awake a couple of times till 4 in the morning!

The second week has been the pre term week. I took Business Statistics and Financial Accounting. I decided against taking Quant. Before I started my pre-term I was terrified of Accounting and thought Stat would be a cake walk. The roles have now been reversed. The Prof. who taught Accounting is a marvellous teacher. She makes me feel that I can truly be comfortable with balance sheets, ledgers, journals, cash flow statements, etc., I wish I could say the same of statistics. I am now terrified of it! The Prof. who is from IIM Bangalore has successfully made me feel like a loser at Stat!!The only thing that keeps me afloat is the knowledge that my CGPA will not be affected by my pre-terms.

I’m hoping that in 2009 I can with all confidence pass out of ISB assuring the Class of 2010 that the pre-terms just don’t matter.

Au Revoir!

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