Sunday, February 04, 2007


I haven't written in my blog for nearly a year.
There used to be a time when I was obsessed with my blog. I would make it a point to try writing atleast once in two weeks. Even if I had no idea what to write about. The very obsession to write killed my desire to write.I'm glad. I'm glad that I stopped feeling this intense need to keep my blog updated. I'm glad that I haven't felt an iota of regret for not writing in all these months.
What makes me write today? Because I wanted to. And that is reason enough for me.To do something because I want to. Not compelled. Not judging. Not judged. I don't need that here. This is my space.Mine.Mine alone.
A place no one can crash into unless I permit them.


Sami AR said...

Just happened to accidentally visit ur blog and found this post!

So thought of welcoming you back after a long break!!


Unknown said...

Aahaa...someone's been introspecting! :)

Kausikram Krishnasayee said...

* i crashed in *