Thursday, August 04, 2005


Last night, a very close friend of mine- Anu, left to do her M.S in the U.S. A frequently occurring phenomenon, nothing unusual about it, I know. Yet I can’t help but feel a little bit lost. No more when I am bored can I just pick up the phone, dial her number and talk endlessly, just meaningful nothings. Gone are the sleep-overs, theatre visits, restaurants, gang get tog ethers, private conversations, laughter and tears. It’s all going to be purely virtual. She and I have known each other for sixteen years. We studied in the same school right from Ist standard and continued our entwined lives in the same college.

What makes her leaving more painful is that those twelve years together in school, did nothing to make us close. Yeah, we were friends. I do not deny it. But, were yesterday a reflection of four years ago, when she was leaving for her boarding and we said our last byes, I could easily have said,” Bye! Have a good time the next few years”, turned away and walked off unaffected. Instead, as she left, when we said our last byes my heart could not but will her as she walked away to turn around and wave again hoping for one last bye and a wave. And when she did, hope again for another last bye right until she disappeared from all our sights.

I shall miss her. Miss all the things we did together. But what truly makes me feel low is a fear. A fear of whether things will really be the same when she comes back. In those last few moments when we all exchanged those last statements of ‘promise you will mail regularly, don’t dare forget, scan all photos you take there” all that kept running in my mind was “What if she slowly forgets to mail back? What if the new friends she makes might not be too nice? What if distance in miles leads to a distance in our minds? What if she changes and will no more be that amazing mixture of wise beyond her years, yet charmingly innocent?” .A thousand ‘Ifs’ that were running through my head, a thousand ‘Ifs’ unanswered. Only time can answer these questions. And time is a cruel mate who makes you wait and at the end of it all wont necessarily give you the answers you would want from it.

In the end, during those final hugs and farewells unable to contain myself, I burst out and told her, “Just one thing I want from you. Please don’t ever change. Come back the same person”. And when we all walked off, everyone of us were silent and had no words to say. Yet, we knew exactly what the other was thinking about. ’Anu’.


Einsteinophile said...

When ppl say...they were in tears an' all..I used to wonder...I mean..Cud this really happen?? Can u miss a person sooo much.....tht u cry for em..But...I understood...It does happen.And ANU was one such person.Im gonna miss her badly.

Anonymous said...

precious.... touching... wish for u tht ur friend remains the same, and deserving of tht special place in ur heart.

Anonymous said...

rightly said !!! we are in our early 20's..nd lot of our friends hav bid us good bye..but tis time arnd ,thou ,was yet again a feeling of loss.. was distinct in ways only ppl who know "anu" could xperience.. every time i turn to my once close frnds then, i surely do feel the change..nd the fear is jus natural..
yet in so many ways ,tat question, never came to my mind..deep down in my heart ,i still feel its jus the distance tat seperates us ,nd the same 'time' which i blame oftens ..tis time wud get her bak to me !!
guess i am growin old nd 'm able to deal the realities within ..jus pinning on the strong beliefs i hold.. or is it the blind faith our friendship holds tat i trust,i will still c the freshness arnd ...

nandini said...

That's so true.It's happened to me a lot recently.But all my recent losses were made up for in a moment of unexpected hope...when I met a friend after almost 4 years...and found that nothing had changed!

Random Access said...

Loss is painful but the joy of getting back in touch after years of painful search is juz too good. I got back in touch with my skool freindz after 6 long years, and man, was it delightful !!!

Random Access
The search has just begun !!!

Deepti Ravi said...

@nandini forgot to ask you.. who is the 4 year unchanged friend??

Abinand said...

I don't usually comment in blogs of ppl i don't know, but this topic is very close to my heart now, since I too am goin' to miss my best-friend who will be leaving India in another 5 days. But then, I console myself thinking of the quote:
"Missing someone gets easier every day because even though it's one day further from the last time you saw each other, it's one day closer to the next time you will."