Monday, August 15, 2005


It’s been fifty eight year since we got our independence. Right now I am extremely busy with all the packing that I need to finish, ensuring that I am not leaving anything behind, and all that tiny last minute shopping that revolves around your head, screaming “Do it. Do it. Do it”. Nike... I’m sorry, Power shoes (let’s not get globalised today and remain rooted in India), would be thrilled by my advertisement of its catch phrase.

Anyway, the reason I mentioned my packing is that I have no time to either eulogise our country for all it has achieved or deride it for what it has not. Instead, decided to post a poem about India which I wrote 8 years ago when I was 13.Very immature but not bad for a 13year old.


All you people I ask you to see
Is it right to live in disunity
in a wonderful country like this
which tries providing nothing but bliss

Our forefathers have nurtured it from a seed
To a tree whom every one of us need
It's a lovely country we live in
To let it die now would be a sin

The flowers of this tree were always lovely
blossoming in all colours whatever they may be
With dew shimmering on it early in the morn
When no face lived who at this would scorn

The fruits of this tree were wonderful to eat
They were neither too bitter nor too sweet
Just enough to satisfy ones soul
'cause love it gave but never stole

The lilting melodies of the leaves were clear
And every ear in the world would turn to hear
Enthralled in a new light life would shine
And to hear it again every heart would pine

But now these leaves are drooping down
And the harshness of the water has made the flowers drown
Clouds filled with tears still do cry
Not of happiness but for those who die

In the 50th year of Indian independence
Let us make a vow of peace and keep it from hence
For the fruits have rot but seeds can be seen
Which when sown will reap an India;
blossoming; the tree it had been.......

Deepti Ravi


Unknown said...

13 year old,eh, when u wrote this poem?! very good indeed....But why have your cognitive and poetic abilities been waning over the years?? :-P...OK OK,I WAS JUST JOKING!! Dont wanna lie in a hospital bed for the next 2 weeks!..I guess your 'real' independence will arrive, the moment u step into bangalore!

Unknown said...

and truthfully...the poem was superb for a person who,at 13, hadn't seen much of the world outside but still had the ability to express her thoughts and feelings so beautifully.

Random Access said...


Random Access
The search has just begun !!!

Prashanth said...

" it gave but never stole..."

I like that line :)

Deepti Ravi said...

:) quite an uninspired soul were you???
thanx.. but it was jus ok.. you dint have to hunt for a decent line in it ;)

Deepti Ravi said...

if it werent for the distance seperating us i swear i would hit you!!:)

Prashanth said...

Hey relax re... I am not like that :) If I don't like something I'll just go ahead and criticize it!

You've been warned ;)

Random Access said...

Hey howz the blore buzz..? Hope u found an acco.. hope to c u bloggin soon..

Random Access
The search has just begun !!!

Prashanth said...

No new post... Madam is busy?