Monday, August 08, 2005


2 weeks back, as usual in the morning my dad woke up and rushed to the balcony with his steaming hot coffee in one hand and the morning newspaper clutched in the other.I,just as any other day,had to wait till he finished. In the evening, when having dinner I remarked to him about the bombing in Egypt killing 80 odd people.With a striken look on his face, he leapt from the table,exclaiming "Is it?" and rushed to pick the paper and read the headlines.I was like "Dad,you monopolised the paper for so long this morning.How in the world did you miss the headlines?". For which he said with a very sheepish look on his face "I am getting so addicted to Sudoko that i forgot to read the paper.Directly skipped to the last page to solve it..".All for the love of Sudoku!


nandini said...

he he he... your dad has my sympathies...that's what usually happens to me as well!

Random Access said...

hihi, u forgot to mention how i dumped u yday ;)

If the first page of Hindu says "All in a game", why not? ;)

Random Access
The search has just begun !!!

Prashanth said...

I got curious as to what was the big deal about this sudoku thing, and I tried it myself. It was a big disappointment, actually. The thinking process is very mechanical. Solved it in 15 minutes the first time, am sure I can do it much faster if I tried again, but it's not worth it.

Arjun Karande said...

Introduce your dad to Web Sudoku. He'll let go of the newspaper!

Tuhina said...

very true...sudoku's very addictive... But actually my room mate is solving it in max 10 mins

Deepti Ravi said...

@ a k
i should!! ;-) but then what happens to the comp :( i love that more!
@ tuniha
yes.... but end all, its just a fun way to kill time!