Friday, August 05, 2005


Read part one before attempting this...

What would you do
if you were looked in the eye
and told “Girl! I find you boring!”
with a hurt and desperate cry
would you rush into the room
bang the door on the way
and sob hearty fits 99
or would you stand up and say
in a rather sneering way
in a voice loud and clear
“I only wish you’d told me this before
you see, the feelings are mutual, my dear!”



Prashanth said...

Oh, so many times have I been called boring,
That I am now way past caring;
Neither do I rant, nor do I rave;
Nor even do I go into a depression grave;
I merely laugh and reply cheerily,
"There are some who don't, thats enough for me!"

nandini said...

*chuckles* you know Deep, this is still as funny a it was when you first read it out to me! ...But the pity of it is all the witty answers come far too late ...Only after the hearty sobs are done!

Unknown said... this has got something to ponder many times have u bored me with your conversations? ;-)...hey but this is a serious doubt, has someone really told u that u were boring? or was it just an abstract thought?

Random Access said...

is this an example of ur self-proclaimed short temper? ;)

Nice poem though, and I loved it.

Wit or no wit
You really need grit
To take friendship higher a bit
Cos nothing is harder than a split!

Random Access
The search has just begun !!!

Deepti Ravi said...

@nandini - absolutely!!
@vikram -no one has as of yet called me boring, fortunately, but,yeah.. the idea that sometimes i am boring someone has crossed my mind once in a while!

Anonymous said...

nice poem
n all

never been thru it. and never will.

"When u gotta shoot, shoot. Dont talk"

no doubts.
u either know somethng or u dont.

u land on Jupiter either on 1 leg or 2 legs. never or 1 1/2.

sorry cudnt get all poetic abt it. lol.

Deepti Ravi said...

yeah.. tats u !! but in my case i always do something and then think "shit!!! i should have done the other thing!!" and that was purely hypothetical!!!!