Monday, August 15, 2005


Have you ever tried to control yourself from sleeping? I don’t mean the heroic utterings of “ I shall keep awake all night!” but those moments be it night or day when your eyes start feeling heavy, a languor creeps over you and your lids begin to shut. And just as they do, you jerk awake and open them again. It’s more a losing battle, actually. You versus your eyelids. They succeed more often that you do. But then I guess you do know. Anyone who has had an education would vouch for having experienced this.

Take me for example. The reason I write this blog right now, is because I suffer from the self same malady. So please excuse any excess of mediocrity. Do not rush to your nearest police station or make frantic calls to my dad in an attempt to inform them/him that I have been abducted and all my passwords have been stolen. Shall I tell you a secret? It’s something that I should not be saying on the internet because hackers might take note of it and cause irrevocable harm to me. Don’t ask me “What irrevocable?”. I don’t know. I just used the word because it sounded real good there. Anyway, I was talking about controlling sleep the way I desperately am right now. It’s a good thing that I type very fast. The one satisfaction I derive from it is that were the IT boom to become a bomb I would at least have a back up career . The other I can type what I am typing with my eyes closed. Isn’t that nice?

Controlling sleep. When I was in the 10th std, I had a fantastic chemistry teacher. She was extremely knowledgeable and explained concepts exceedingly well. Still, that didn’t prevent my eyes from closing. The sad thing about your eyes closing is that opening them again is an arduous and seemingly Herculean task. On the other hand, were you to give into the temptation and close your eyes, your desire for sleep would either vanish or just as you would give up and succumb to the ‘Draught of Soporia’, you would be caught by your professor for sleeping. At least I was. Not once. Many times. I used to sometimes sleep during sleepovers when the conversation would start become interesting. I would be responding to whatever my friends would be saying ( sometimes utter irrelevant crap) when suddenly I would drop off. My friends would find it exhausting. But then the ability to control sleep requires either genius or some trick in the book. If it is a trick in the book, don’t loan it to me. Gift it.

The worst part about feeling sleepy is that you end up writing gibberish in your answer papers.I had a civil exam to write.. And I wrote the lyrics of Hindi songs in my answer sheet. I know people have been known to have written their life story in their answer sheets. But that they do when they don’t know the answer at all. This I did when I knew the answer but my mind was quite detached from my fingers. Anyway, need to sign out so as to write some better stuff next for which I have a ‘requiem for sleep’. If it weren’t for the delete button I don’t know where this article would have gone. Forgive me for this piece of trash.


nandini said...

*peals of alughter erupt at the last para* people looking at me in a decidedly strange manner...The worst thing is that I actually know what you're talking about ...Happened during Electrical Machine Design though... I statred absently writing my opinion of the paper(and it was NOT good)...on the paper itself...I spent a good deal of time scratching it out and making it thoroughly intelligible...I hope...I would have been in a soup if the examiner had been able to read what I wrote!

Unknown said...

Now this article has made me wonder if it's only sleep that prevented me from doing well in exams all life long or genuine disinterest!!Hmmm....Deep introspection needed in this regard! ;)

Unknown said...

the moments when i have fallen asleep,all have something directly or remotely to do with 'education','college','preaching-teachers-who think-no-end-of-themselves' and 'academia'!! Just cant help the overwhelming sensation engulfing me in the presence of any one of the above incompatible elements!!

Random Access said...

Well, I am able to identify with this post, and I have got this feeling so many times. But I know my body and that helps in making me shake off sleep n stay awake...154hrs is my highest to date.. Not to mention a recent 120+. But I really wanted to sleep, and stay awake too, in the hope that I cud make up for it after Im done with my work...As far the writing crap in exam paper, I havent or atleast dun remember it :P

Random Access
The search has just begun !!!

Prashanth said...

Lol... wow you really wandered all over the paper on this post... wish I could've poured some cold water on your face :p

Deepti Ravi said...

@ all
its a truly shared experience!!
i wonder what you would have done, if i had not done the editing that i did on the piece???? ;)

Chitra said...

Hyuck hyuck... too good !! Blogrolling you Deepti!