Thursday, April 23, 2009


If i ever think of you
so hard,so hard I try not to
I only wish that before you had gone
I only wish that you had said good bye

In all these years I never knew
that when I ever thought of you
that every time I reached for you
these were the words I needed to hear

"Goodbye, farewell,thank you,my friend
the journey was lovely, but it had to end
When I am gone, I wont look back, wont turn around
Farewell, godspeed, do not hold on"

© Deepti Ravi
February 2009


Anonymous said...

You did a homophone error:
In the last line of the second stanza, it should be 'were', not 'where'

Anonymous said...

The other kid from the relative's family(TOKFTRF) has taken to writing Nauseating Codswallop, relying heavily on Online Thesaurus and Dictionaries and GRE/CAT wordlists...
These, as is pretty much evident, aren't helping much...Poor thing...It is actually making a fool of itself and doesn't know it...Reminds me of the 'pathetic-sounding weirdos' who turn up at the American Idol auditions...You know, the sort that think - "I'm doing awwwwesommmmmme!!!" while the TV audience is busy laughing its @$$ off...The least you could do,tied as you are by ties of blood, is to tutor it or impart 'TOOTHS of WISDOM' like - "Every guy who strums a fender caster doesn't become Dylan." or "Every female who wields a pen doesn't become Austen." You get my drift, don't you...
- U.N.K.Nown

Deepti Ravi said...

@anon 1- thank you for pointing out the mistake and adding a new word 'homophone' to my vocabulary :)

@anon 2 - thanks..

@anon 3 - I do get your drift and understand which person you refer to. While I do agree with your statements that "Every guy who strums a fender caster doesn't become Dylan." or "Every female who wields a pen doesn't become Austen."... you forget something... Just as she has every right to express herself in her personal space, you have every right to not read what she writes... Perfectly democratic.

Deepti Ravi said...

@ anon 3 - I forgot to add.. that what I meant by agreeing with your statement is that.. If only the Dylan's of the world strummed guitars and only the Austen's of the world chose to wrote we would exhaust our options to listen to music and read literature well within our lifetime... And wouldn't that be a tragedy?

Da Rodent said...

Hmm, I am not quite sure that those parting words would actually be enough. Never seen it to be enough. In my life at least :-S