Tuesday, September 09, 2008


Reality Check. Downward Spiral.
Laundry List. Stunted Thinking.Set Apart.
Crack the box. Live Life. Moody Blues.
Hootie and the Blowfish.
Rewind. Backtrack.
Silent Scream. Cluttered Thoughts. Hold Tight.
Crippled Mind. Fear of _____ ?
Subtle Sarcasm. Define Inituition. Shattered Confidence.
Deep Denial. Intelligence Under-rated.
Unexploited Opportunities. Unmet Expectations.
Risk Neutrality. Knowledge Unlimited.
Sea of Faces. Integrity. Commitment.
Left Behind.
Thriving on Challenge. Shorted Time.
Cruel Humour. Distorted Morality. Perspective Change.
Unsatiated Needs. Bleak Outlook. Ripped Innards.
Bitter Beta. Matter Matters.
Suppressed Depression.
Peter Lynch. George Soros. Desired.
Futile Prayer. Intextricably Linked.
Raucous Laughter. Split Personality.
Destination ________?
Outside. Looking In.