Saturday, May 17, 2008


Little Miss Red Riding Hood
Was skipping in an enchanted wood,
Twirling a daisy in her hand
Humming a song in la-la land

The sun was dancing to her tune
Waltzing along was the moon
A fox was chasing its own tail
down little Red Riding Hood’s trail

Out of the blue, out of the down
Along came an engine screaming its horn
Knocked little Red Riding Hood down
Snorted, sneered and rode back to town

The mourning sun went to hide
The daisies drooped, the moon she cried,
‘Poor little Miss Red Riding Hood
Skipping alone in an enchanted wood’

‘But’, screeched the owl in a loud aside,
‘Why did she hop where engines ride?’

© Deepti Ravi

P.S. In case your wondering, that’s how I feel post my mid terms :-(


Sumantra said...

:D////good the way...if i have any typis forgive me,.., i'm dead drunk :)

Deepti Ravi said...

so am I!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-) :-)It was good fun wasn't it!!!!!!!

Kausikram Krishnasayee said...

thats the reason i tell you guys to go easy on vodka ..see how sloshed up everyone is...seriously ...take my advice ...whisky is better ..

Bornloser said...

original stuff???? great it is...

somehow this reminded me of the nursery rhyme "Piggy on the railway, picking up stones. Down came an engine and broke piggy's bones. Ah said the piggy, thats not fair. Uh said the engine driver I dont care."

i still remember it .. :)

Deepti Ravi said...

@Kausikram - lol...Kiddo!! Didn't u just reach the permissible drinking age ;-) :-P

@Prashant - Thanks :) :) It is original..but ur absolutely rite!! It's adapted on three things.. Piggy on the railway, humpty dumpty and Little Red Riding hood :)

Ford Prefect said...

Welcome to the simulation... enjoy it as best as you can coz before you know it , youll be out of those gates back into the real world ... And trust me , it sucks ;-) ...Hope you have a smashing time as ISB ..
Good Luck

Da Rodent said...

I keep asking this everywhere.. what is it with women and vodka :P

Anonymous said...

‘But’, screeched the owl in a loud aside,
‘Why did she hop where engines ride?’


Little Miss Red Riding Hood
Oft forgot the rules of the wood
Treading the path of the forbidden nook
The first and final option she took