Saturday, May 10, 2008


It’s been exactly a month since I stepped my foot first into the campus. A month that has been a roller coaster ride of emotions. I feel a little funny to say this, but a part of me is glad that a month is over and that it’s another 11 months to go. It’s quite weird out here. A part of me loves everything about college while another part of me can’t wait for the experience to stop. Coward. Dr Jekyll and Ms Hyde.

The last two weeks of life out here has been killing. The studies part has especially been pure torture.So many pre reads and so many post reads to be done. It’s just not physically possible to them all. The first week I bent my back twice over trying to keep up and stay anchored to the shore. The second week? I quit.

In Economics we have been learning this zany concept,

MR = MC.

That’s like this crazy mantra that all of us out here chant like it’s a prayer!! Basically, what it does mean is that it doesn’t matter if you keep increasing your revenues. The name of the game is maximizing your profits. This happens when Marginal Revenue = Marginal Costs aka MR=MC. The reason I mention this is because I feel that studying at ISB feels like a real time application of this concept. MR refers to knowledge,enjoyment in learning and marks. MC is time that could be better spent. As long as the knowledge (marks as well) you gain is more than the time you loose that you could have better spent (in the Recreation centre, sleeping, reading a novel, attending some club meetings),' study'.

I need to however find the equation for TC ( Total Cost) and TR ( Total Revenue) of my life here so that I can differentiate ( I don’t just mean the calculus term) the two and try getting some structure in my life here. Otherwise, I don’t think I’m going to be as happy as I should or could be.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Err...u shouldn't torture weak maths students such as myself with such complicated equations! :-(

@kausikram: Yes sir, I'm very much alive and kicking! Just that time seems to be a luxury.

Kausikram Krishnasayee said...

@ economics geek Dee:
seems its breaking you even...dont worry sis ...algebraic math is far better than those differentiations you did in coll
@ vikram:
missing you buddy!

@ Both:
hey i just completed engineering :D

Bornloser said...

looks like u spent the entire weekend on the assignment :P

Deepti Ravi said...

@Vik - lol.. I wish this was the most complicated equation I had in my syllabi!!:( :(

@Kausikram - Congratulations!Read your post abt the hell hole :D :D.. trust me on this.. with time you'll be in touch with people who mattered to you and NOT miss the place one bit!! You're kidding me rite?? I was damn good at calculus back in school and college.. somewhere down the passage of time.. my brain has atrophied!!!

@Prashant - If only :( I wish I had.. then I wouldn't be crying over my eco books :( :(

Filarial said...

A year and a half from now you will be frustrated at how you are coping at that high paying job and what good fun you had at ISB--:D
that is the never ending cycle of gyan..;)

PS- I saw Anant over the weekend and subsequently made sure to get updates with latest school gossip which was fun..:D

Deepti Ravi said...

@Prashanth ( filarial) - I guess your absolutely right :) :) We always tend to look back and think of the times that passed as the best ever :)
You have me curious!!! What's the latest gossip ??? :) :)

anup keerrthi said...

where's the poem???