Saturday, January 05, 2008


Hmm.. There is something about the start of a New Year that makes most people around me want to make new resolutions that they struggle to keep for as long as a single day.Personally, neither am I impervious to the temptations of gnashing my teeth, resolving to keep my resolutions and then cheerfully tossing those self same resolutions to the wind.
The only difference being that this time I chose my resolutions before Jan 1st and made certain that I didn't try to fulfil them on the 1st. It's like the equivalent of the saying ' Married in haste, repent in leisure' ;-). This time I chose to not marry in haste!! So it's close to a week after the new year that I have decided to start trying to fulfil my resolutions. The following are the list of my resolutions,in accordance to priority.
  • Loose weight !!! - This I have been trying to do for probably the last ten years :-( But 2007 was disastrous.. I successfully gained a lot less than I should have lost to be a size 6, as per american terminology :-( Poor me :-( I am truly hoping that 2008 will be a fruitful ( sheesh.. how ironical!! ) year for me.
  • Do not fall asleep while trying to read Hindu's Open Page and do more than read the headlines each day !! Alright, I am 24, and yes, I should be blushing to confess that the Hindu's open page ( umm... should I say anything beyond the first 3 - 4 pages ) is excellent at putting me to sleep. :-( *sigh* I think I shall amend this resolution to not include weekends ( Come on, everyone needs a holiday,dammit !! :-D )
  • Read the Economic Times / Business Standard !! - Dammit, I hope this will be more interesting than the Hindu. I kind of feel it might be. Hindu is truly a highly geriatric paper according to me!!
  • Blog reasonably regularly !! Hmm, I couldn't get more irregular than 2007 could I ??? ;-) Just imagine, even if I were to blog just once a month, I would have over taken the number of times I posted the last year!! Yipppeeeee !!
  • Stop blurting out the first thing that comes to my mind !! Hmm... no comments!!

I think my resolutions are going to absolutely exhaust me. And yeah, gues what?? I've decided to start another blog to write reviews on the movies I watch!! :-) :-) Considering the fact that I watch atleast 3 per week, wow!!!

P.S. Happy New Year to All !!! Hope this year does not suck !!! ;-)


Anonymous said...

YAI.....u blogged too....yippie...

now better continue to...i just wrote a post cribbing abt u and then i see that u have a new

u review? then we did cross

Kausikram Krishnasayee said...

Heya Sister!! good to see you back..and i completely COMPLETELY agree about hindu... its for octogenarians

Unknown said...

Well, for one I will definitely be keeping tab on your new year resolutions (esp. the first one).....

Looking forward to your movie blog.... U know I need some good blogs on movies, so I don't need to depend on P--V--N (not that I depend on him for such info, just that I get only his version now and we all know how that is).