Thursday, March 02, 2006


A couple of days back I had this extraordinary dream.It came quite close to being a nightmare, but was not.Here it goes ---

It's late in the night and my entire house is pitched in darkness. I rise to go the kitchen for a drink of water.When I near the kitchen door, suddenly an apparition quite identical to the scary girl in 'The Ring' appears before me with her hands stretched out as if wanting to strangle me. I start with sudden fear. But my fear lives a short life. I reason to myself. Worst case scenario - what lies ahead of me is Death. And beyond death, what? Nothing. So it does not really matter.

Surprised by my lack of fear the apparition asks me, 'Why are you not terrifed?'. I explain. Amazed at my explanation, the apparition says, ' Alright. For this I shall give you a gift. A gift of being able to kill someone through ill thoughts. Were you to think really badly of someone, then they will die'.Saying this she kisses me on my cheek. I panic. I plead out saying, 'No! What you give me is no gift.It is a curse. An evil curse. I do tend to think quite ill of certain people. I don't want their blood on my hands.It would make me no better than you'.She stares at me for a while and says, 'A gift once given cannot be taken back'.

I feel incredibly upset at the thought. Can't stop thinking about what a heavy burden I need to henceforth carry on my shoulders.

And then it suddenly hit me.That I was wrong.What I had been given was not necessarily a curse. Yes, it did mean I had to learn to temper the grudges and ill feeling I might hold towards some people. But then it gave me a wonderful power too. The ability to met out justice when all else failed. To wield some goodness in an oft corrupt and wicked world. What if I used this ability to kill the Manu Sharmas( read Jessica Lall) and the George Bushs of this world?Would it still be a curse or a modern day,my own 'Sudarshan Chakra'?

Think about it.


Vasu the terrible said...

:)... Ya... was it really a dream, if so you can get it analysed. Some of my dreams are so powerful that I remember it fr a long time to come. Some dont even last 10 seconds after i wake up.

I do agree with you that we need to temper our own thoughts. I have been struggling through life to get a hold on my thoughts. Someday will get somewhere with it...

nice post


Deepti Ravi said...

@vasu - the dream catchers and analysers in the papers have such a wierd track on things! Will this imply that i wanna kill ppl?? God forbid! Very true.. some dreams have lasting impressions!!Even if they are crap!! While some dreams fade away before you wake up!! You know something? Sometimes while I dream .. I think, I should not forget this dream.. It's too important.. but no sooner am i awake that the dream just fades away much to my disappointment!! All I am left with is that profound sense of missing something very important!! I don't really know if it's possible to temper ones thoughts.. but i do believe that it goes a long way if those thoughts are sometimes not expressed openly, especially when they are quite vitriolic *shame* ;)

Vasu the terrible said...

me too.. I have had the same feeling today.. when I try thinking about it, it just eludes me. Something wierd happened to me when I was in my teens. I had a dream where I am sitting on the road and shouting "Principle Bose, down down"... but none of the images/names/context was familiar to me. I never had a principle bose and have never seen the road. The next day I promptly forgot about it untill more than 5 years later, I remembered in a flash. I was on the road shouting "principal bose down down". The scene in front of me was exactly the way I saw in my dream...

from then on, I try to remember all my dreams...

wierd isnt it ?


Kausikram Krishnasayee said...

ya kill bushmen from yankeeland thtz the only way the world can survive.....hey if you ask me i dont mind such a curse ....

Shashi Iyer said...

wo my gawd! you are very scary, i say!

Shashi Iyer said...

this it shashi, btw

Prashanth said...

Wake up! Pataar Pataar Wake up!!


twip said...

It is your own 'Sudarshan chakra"!
I have a request to make: Please first use it on Bappi Lahiri and then Bush!
Oh and btw.....nice post!

Sid said...

trust me...dat is ONE weird dream!
but has a lotta meaning....nice post

Anonymous said...

i agree with vasu....dreams do mean sumthin within u..chill n take a brake..maybe u gettin all worked up in d inside...lolz..enuf of 1 dollar psycology..newez this is jus a thin 2 pass arnd...sms "jessica" to 6388...its an NDTV thingy 2 reopen the case by public demand...spread d word..

kuttichuvaru said...

weird dream, huh?? dreams generally hav these totally unconnected happenings.... but sometimes they do make a lot of sense.....

n i hav read somewhere tat we remember only 5% of the total dreams tat we get.... imagine wat all will be goin thro....

Random Access said...

what the....

Is this ur experiment with dreams? ;)

Random Access
The search has just begun !!!

Deepti Ravi said...

@RA - lol ... can you experiment with dreams? Read of that only in Asimovs!!

@kuttichavaru - *shudder* at the thought of some of the dreams that i do remember!! I think i'll probably enter into some kind of coma if i recollect the remaining 95% !!

@confused not o - pretty wierd!! read 2 posts back and then you would not say take a break!! You'd be like "hey!!You're chilled enough... how abt getting into the melt??? ";) and the jessica lall issue.. yeah.. totally in support!!

@sid - thanx! I was actually struck by the fact that though it was wierd.. it seemed so logical!!!

@megha- thanx! sure.. i'll do you the favour ;) *run , bappi , run!!*

Deepti Ravi said...

@Prashanth - don't worry! Didn't you notice that i just think?? No one is gonna arrest me !! ;)

@sashi - boo!!!!!!

@ m i - yeah... i seriously don't mind seeing him dead either!!

@vasu - Wow!!! I would say intutive!! It has happened to a couple of people I have met... a while later the same thing happens in the exact sequence.. kinda leaves me scared.... I had this friend whose dad one day woke up in the middle of the night in sweat, saying that he had a dream of a plane inside waters and people banging on the window dying... the next day morning when he picked up the papers it detailed about a plane which crashed into an ocean -nill survivors.. and it occured at the same moment he woke up from the bad dream!! spooky na? In my case till date my dreams have had absolutely no correlation with reality!!

Shashi Iyer said...

yerkanave bayandhu poirken! idhu enna sodhanai? :P

Deepti Ravi said...

@sashi - look at the comment i just left on ur blog! Adhu kapparam ingae thalayae vaekku matae!!

backpack_everyday said...

Nice chance to make avenge your manager who made u work ur ass off..Think abt it who knows ur gift might work.Watever please don think abt the bad things i have done to u......

Deepti Ravi said...

@backpack everyday - chi poda!

kaushik said...

thanks for dropping by my blog!
well, it is better not to have a power that controls others life or even your life. Whats the fun of living if you can control everything?

Shashi Iyer said...

contrary to ur speculation ;), i've conferred you the status of "Other Meandering Minds in The Microcosm" :)

Unknown said... would need a million more such wishes for your Sudharshan chakra to have any spikes on them! :P

Unknown said...

by the way.....good post! :)

Anonymous said...

"with great power comes great responsibility" (spiderman).. what if u kill someone and then find out that u were wrong?
