Friday, March 03, 2006


Is there any girl who lives who has not been harassed on the roads? I think not.Probably the first time ( which I am not ashamed to recount) I was harassed was when I was eleven years old. I can still recollect that day when an old man in a motorbike stopped me in the middle of the road, when I was walking back from school in the pretext of asking me for directions. No sooner had I given him directions ( not a word of which he heard), he told me," Don't you think you are too young to have breasts?" gesticulating towards mine. I was horrified.Before I could even scream out "Bastard" he had sped away. I remember going home that day, falling on my bed and crying all evening.I didn't have the courage to talk to anyone about it. For an entire week all I could think about was that horrid old man.You know what the worst part of being harassed when you are too young is ?

You are not indignant.
You are not outraged.
Instead, you feel ashamed.
Humiliated and ashamed of YOURSELF.

Like as if the sin was commited by the sinned not the sinner. It's like the attitude that some people carry towards rape. "She asked for it!".An oft heard remark.By the stupid narrow minded jerks in the world!

It was a couple of months later that my humiliation turned to outrage when a group of us girls gathered together and started speaking about it.The tales I heard were horrifying. We were all just eleven then and I guess the age where men know us to be vulnerable, innocent and unprotected. Too young for parents to worry about and too old to be protected by childish innocence.

One of my friends had been told to come to the back of a grocery shop to pick up what she had come for and when she went in, the grocer caught hold of her and started rubbing his hands up and down her chest.She had to bite him hard on his hand to escape and run away.I was onced offered a choclate by a shopkeeper if I came into his shop and saw the pictures he had.They were all pornographic and he did the same 'pinch on the chest trick'. Luckily there were four or five of us girls then.I wonder what would have happened if I had been alone? Another friend of mine had been stopped by a guy driving a car, again in the pretext of asking for directions. It was worse this time around.The guy had unzipped his pants and had semen coated on his hands and asked her " Do you know what this is? Shall I tell you what it is?".She cycled away as fast as she could from there.Another time when the same friend and me were skating in a skating rink at six in the morning alone, an old guy blocked our exit and removed his dhoti and started waving his penis at us.

Do you know what the one thing we all shared in common when we recounted these incidents was? We all of us blamed ourselves. Believed that the cardinal sin was comitted by us and not the perpetuator.Tell me one thing. Is it for this reason that children are targeted so much by these lechers? Because they know that we don't know how to react?

Pouring our hearts out was the best thing we ever did. I think we grew up overnight. Became wary and cynical.More watchful and distrustful of what every stranger said or did. Where previously we would smile winnningly at the stranger who patted our heads and butts, started to shie away and have that 'keep your distance' look in our eyes.Good. It atleast stopped us hurting.Kids do need to grow into adults.But incidents like this just help in hastening the transition.

The next year I joined Karate classes.Trained to defend myself.It helped that my Karate Sirs included kicks in the groin as a part of our lessons.They especially taught us girls how to defend ourselves and how to be watchful. It did help me.A couple of years later when a guy on a road reached out his hand to grab my breasts ( What is this obsession that guys have with breasts????? Is it that you don't have them??) ,I judged his intentions and knocked his hands off before he could succeed and walked away( I am yet to sum up the courage to walk THEM to the police station).Another time when my friend and I were going doubles on a very lonely stretch of road called Besant avenue, late in the evening, a guy in another cycle stopped us in the pretext of asking for directions. ( Is this the most successful approach till date??).When I pointed out the way he needed to go, he suddenly grabbed hold of my top. Before he could take two breaths I had punched him on his face ( I was still on the cycle) , opened my fingers and scored my nails down his face ( I bet it hurt like mad).My friend with equal presence of mind kicked his cycle and he toppled down. Before he got up we fled away. We didn't want to take the chances of him having any friends nearby. All this when we were fourteen.

These days a guy who flicks our hair and whistles saying," What is the reason for your beautiful hair?' , gets retorts of "Sabeena or Ujala". A guy who accidently pats you on the butt gets an equally accidental knock on his head by a wayward elbow or even better, an umbrella. The guys who look you up and down get look-ups and downs themselves. But that too is just by a select few girls. Most still cringe in fear.The girls who are yet to learn to defend themselves. And what about those incidents where you cannot defend yourself?Reminds of ( read my post 'A scary experience', when an auto driver asked me "Aren't you scared of going alone in the night?" during a late night trip. I replied "No. I know Karate". To which he says " What if there are six or seven men? Then what will you do,huh?". I was paralysed with fear then.

But really? What could even the braver ones do? Sit back, be raped and say "Thank you" ?

p.s. I hope the girls who read this post of mine gain the courage to be brave themselves and know they are not alone. I hope the guys who read this know to not just never harass but also spread the message and get the same attitude grilled into their friends.And I hope that everyone who reads it understands that even young children are susceptible to being harassed and get easily traumatised by it.So keep an eye on them for such signs of withdrawal and educate them when they are still very young about what they need to watch out for.

I would like to thank BlankNoiseProject for the opportunity to represent myself in this blog-a-thon in a topic so close to my heart.

p.p.s I made the collage above as a true representation of what I felt.


Shashi Iyer said...

There was a write up in the metro plus abt this (i havent begun reading ur post)

Unknown said...

:O :O :O...My god!!...That is absolutely terrible Deepti!!...No wonder u hold a karate degree!!!!!

I never knew that the reality out there was as bad as you have narrated here! Great post!

her said...

Oh yes...I was once slapped really hard on my butt by a man on a speeding motorbike..I was reeling from the shock..I was hysterical and it took me ages to come out of the shock and humiliation!

There are innumerable accounts of leching neighbours and a schoolmaster....

I should have kicked them too..feel like it now!

Shashi Iyer said...

very moving post. it is so sad that guys do such cheap things. even "educated"... exposed... sensitised!!! i cant help but get cynical. i don't know for how long good looking girls who speak to guys will be bitches and how long "bitches" will be despised in public and loved in private. u know if a guy has opinions of this sort, he's dismissed off as a fake guy. ppl don't believe that a guy can live without managing to comment abt breast sizes and other related stuff. its disgusting. hope we can do something abt it. cheers, deepti. great post.

Aditya said...

Are u Chennai or elsewhere??? God, What's happepnig here??? Don'y you think you are exaggerating too much. One incident is bearable but u write as though you are bugged by such things.... always.. maybe everyday (Too many examples you'd mentioned). I agree harassment takes place but then this is gettin too much. if it really has happened all I Can do is wonder whatz happening but then I pretty much feel all men are not the same.... And such incidents have diminished to a gr8 extent... thats what i feel atleast

Aditya said...
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Viewer said...

Gal ur are something ! I mean the all ur stunts WOW i am impressed.

But where on earth are located where men are so desparate

Prashanth said...

Deepti isn't exaggerating. I've heard several stories myself, victims generally being young women or girls. It's just unfortunate that there are so many disgusting specimens of the male species around, giving the rest of us a bad name. There was a time when I used to be puzzled when I saw girls taking the default attitude of mistrust when dealing with unknown guys but pretty soon I realized that it is the right thing to do, one can never be too safe about these things.

I tried to compare India and the US and figure out why things are that way. I realized that the fault lies partly with the lack of respect for the law, thanks to the omnipresent corruption EVERYWHERE in the Indian legal system, right from the policemen to the judges; and partly with the status of women themselves. In Indian society, women are yet to achieve equality and freedom. If certain people believe women to be beneath them, obviously they will try to take advantage; and with little possibility of serious retribution, of course they will!

Who can fix this? Everyone ought to chip in. How? Don't know yet!

Er... sorry to be using your comments section like my personal blog!

kaushik said...

I cant believe it. i agree that teasing and such things exist, but was not aware that it is such rampant and frequent!
shit! i dont know wht to say....

kuttichuvaru said...

tats a neat post!! well, I knew harassing of women has been going on, but never knew tat cheap incidents like u hav mentioned happen..... tats really terrible... guess jus like me, many ppl wud be ignorant of the gravity of the situation n maybe such posts can create greater awareness...

ada-paavi!!!! said...

i knew tht these kinda things happened, but din know it was this bad!!
n the retilation was superb, me impressed

Kausikram Krishnasayee said...

all along i hav been thinking that our locality was safe...we should kill all these bastards who keep targeting kids .....KILL THEM ALL..

nandini said...

I remember the first time too... there may have been others before - but this was the first time I actually knew it for what it was... I was walking back from the bust stop when this guy going on the bicycle tried to brush past me on his way... felt icky all the the way home... somwhere is the world they cut off people's tngue's for smaller offences

nandini said...

I remember the first time too... there may have been others before - but this was the first time I actually knew it for what it was... I was walking back from the bust stop when this guy going on the bicycle tried to brush past me on his way... felt icky all the the way home... somwhere is the world they cut off people's tngue's for smaller offences

Pradeep Nair said...

The only way to counter eve-teasing and similar harassments is for women to stand up to the guys and make it clear in no uncertain terms that women are not to be trifled with, that they are no different from guys. Of course this doesn't happen overnight.

There is another side to this. Poor upbringing boys and the misinformation they are fed about sex and gender differences do lead to deviations some as bad as even rape. This is a complicated social and emotional problem, which has no one-stroke solution. One can only hope that with lots of awareness boys will behave well.

The third point is the fear of punishment; which is not there. Because they think they can get away.

Dawdler said...

it is extremely pathetic to hear about such sex-starved measly beings inhabiting our neighborhoods under the pretext of normal ppl... the best deterrent to this is exposure... exposing them for what they are, would bring in gratification as well as deter those ill-minded individuals harboring such thoughts... education mite be key to this.... i would for one advocate such kinda education rather than teaching students on incredibly ridiculous subjects rite thru school all the way up to the work place.... to get that though buried deep in that these things arent normal and shud never be slid under the rug.....i can remember two instances of harassment, one in which a girl just held back her anger... cursed the individual and walked past, the other one where a girl shouted atop her lungs and the rest taken care of by the ppl around her..... seems simple and but it was infinitely more satisfying to see 1 beaten to pulp at that....

Deepti Ravi said...

@sashi - thanx... yeah, to a large extent not judging the girls around you will definitely help.. society needs an attitude change

@vikram - welcome to the real world..

@lioness - seriously!!! Its the humiliation you need to get out of that ends up being the hard part.. and only then, in the hindsight you wish u had just beaten them up!!

@aditya - It's time you wake up Aditya. Not all of those incidents happened to me. I have mentioned what did happen to my close friends ( of 11) too... I didn't say it happens everyday.. but yeah... if you were to count someone whistling and singing some obscene song or saying 'enna iduppu machi' ... which is extremely commonplace.. then yeah.. harassment happens everyday ..!!!!! Wake up!! You might live your live in happy oblivion ... I do too.. until things like this that happen shake me rudely out of my stupor!! Do you think I would have chosen to recount all of these if it were not for this open blog a thon?? Wonder why you never hear about this day in- day out? Because we girls choose not to tell... We prefer to keep these things behind closed doors!!! Not even to our parents, for heaven sake... actually , never to our parents.. cause they are the ones who would hurt the most... My dad has always given me independence - to go and come as i chose.. and i love him for respecting my freedom... But yes, this freedom comes with a tag to it.. be prepared to facing at the least whistles and crude remarks.. what do you want us girls to do? You know something.. for the decent chennai / india / world that you expect .. all of us girls should go out in burkas .. always accompanied by men in our family .. never stay out ..and roam places.. Then such things we would not need to face.. But why the hell should we take such extremities.. I chose to fight against bastards who act smart.. So do many other girls.. We need to- to assert our freedom , yet survive at the end of the day - clean.

And yeah, it all did happen. Not one word is a lie.

And you know what? I was standing up for kids. You know why? Because as an adult I do treat the things that happen as disgusting commonplace. It happens one day, I forget it the next. As adults we know it exists. As children we don't. Its time you realise that it exists too. And to take note of Prashant's comment. He is right.

@Viewer - everywhere.There are guys who are perverted everywhere. I guess you need noticeable assets to sniff them out ;) and thanx.

@kuttichavaru - yeah, these incidents do happen.But I guess our society is very conservative. So not many girls like to talk about it. I wasn't too comfortable either listing out the things that happen. Except the cycle incident.:) I tend to trumpet that out to nearly everyone...

Deepti Ravi said...

@ kaushik - read my reply to aditya,it should have been adressed to you too.

@prashanth - first, thanx for using it as ur personal blog. Your comment was most welcome and extremely well said. You are right. It is the people who consider women to be beneath them to resort to such cheap acts. And that the legal system does need to be freed from that corruption that prevents our rights from being felt. And those sick thalukdars or whatever it is called which makes gang rapes and naked-walking punishments for a women. It makes the cheap attitude that ppl already have towards women worsen.

@ada- paavi - it can get pretty bad.. i've listed out a couple of the worst things that have happened. thannx

@ mi - not kill them.. castration would be a more suitable solution.

Deepti Ravi said...

@nandini ,dawdler- yeah, the law needs to be efficient and stringent. And I think more accessible forums for complaints should be created. Sick !!

@pradeep - Gender inequality is something that is preached a lot in institutions and at homes. Boys are taught that they are superior and girls are taught to be feminine, weak and to simper. This itself to a large extent causes crimes to continue with the generations still being born. This misinformation needs to be eradicated. Hey journalist, how about taking this as your personal cudgel?? :)

@dawdler ,again - yeah! Actually, I am quite proud of chennai for one reason ( among others) .. It might be with good in mind or just sheer boredom, but if a girl screeches out, the perpetuator is always beaten up badly!! Hurray for that aspect!! Though personally i tend to take revenge myself..

twip said...

Nice Deepthi for joining the initiative. I personally agree with you and feel that castration is the best solution.
Alas that is too utopian to even comprehend.
But we should STOP feeling ashamed of our body....and somehow should get better.
We have to fight back. Each of us in our own personal way.

Nimme said...

Great post.
I still dont understand why a few men have a cheap attitude towards women.

I have never heard of such kinda haressment.

Your post ,your style of conveying,your words and your collage is really good.

It shows your anger vers those men.

But one thing i personally feel is we are moving towards a better society and the ATTITUDE vers women is also changing.

Vasu the terrible said...
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Vasu the terrible said...

I have heard even more horrific stories happening within the confines of families. An elder in the family who takes advantage. Personally it is a very very traumatic experience. My cousin sister came up to me and told me this horrific story of how an uncle more than 40 years older than her, tried to be naughty. I was speachless because all of us liked him and trusted him.

As for lay attacks in the public sphere we need to do these things.

1) Have a very very strict law enforcement machinary.

2) women have to become self confident and aware of their surroundings much more. There is no morality tinge here, but hey look around and be aware of whats happening. I was travelling from tirunelveli to chennai with my aunt when suddenly in the middle of the night she got up and gave one hard smack to the man sitting behind. Apparently he was touching her hip...she created such a big ruckus the bus driver stopped and the rest of the public made him get off at the next town at 3.00 a.m.

3) The public in India (I mean general public) is very supportive if someone is sexually assaulted. Make use of it and shout and create a ruckus.. learn some bad words, its ok to cuss and abuse a guy vocally in public if he is trying to assault you. The general public especially other women will come to your aide, if you show a little muscle. Heard this in thanni-thora market mylapore, from a keera vendor "akka thangachi illa ? ongammava poi orasaen.. vandhutanga thuki pudichittu".. The molester was crinjing in shame when his act was broken out in public and all of us were staring in disgust. Up the ante and take the initiative. You will do a lot of good for yourself and the guy. He wont ever do this again in life.

4) Dont hesitate to go to the police. When you go there dont be intimdiated by the things you see, Think about the incident that happened with you and be as angry and aggressive as you can. The police like everyone else will feel the outrage. most women silently endure in return reassuraing the molester that he is safe. Prick that safety bubble.

When my cousin told me what happened, I freaked out and thats when I was told that more than 90% of women are sexually attacked in this world. Slowly other cousins also told me the same about this guy. Most guys arent tuned to whats happening in our own families. We are not best equipped for that. But when someone close to you tells that (a sister, daughter) it hits you hard.

The problem is sexual education. We dont get proper information and most information about sex and sexuality is through peer groups, exaggerated porn and the early morning hard on. The younger molesters are ingnorant and blind of their actions. They act as if it is normal behaviour, brought about mainly their home environment and the kind of external influences. The only way to fight the younger molesters (college kids grabbing breasts) is give them right back with more agression and prick that comfortable bubble. Basically get past their thick head and tell them that this behaviour is acceptable. One public thulping would generally wake them up.

The older ones are more sinister. They know more of the world and I think these are the people who need real help, psychological and spiritual. Generally those folks deeply involved with some activity after retirement donot indulge in such activities. I think a spiritual life for everyone is a must. It gives a mental balance when none exists outside.

great job deepti!!.. ITs important to speak up and there is no shame in that. Isnt it better to live in knowledge that you are not at fault than concealed shame ??

Kudos for doing that..


Jagan said...

The first time i heard about such things was when in school , a friend of ours told us how her uncle showed his "affection" ..we were shocked .but as kids ..we just listened .

AWY said...

heartfelt write up, sister...
and the collage really puts across the msg.
i think this blog-a-thon is seriously working... everyone seems to be talking abt it..
and if nothing else, at least a few blissful happy-go-lucky men are being educated abt the hazards of being born with XX chromosomes
and ya.. this is a topic close to my heart too...

so three cheers to Blank Noise...

B o o said...

You just stole my words Deepti. But I could nt have said it as good as you. Probably we should put a list of things that young girls go through like "Groping, touching, rubbing, pinching,.." and circulate it and ask the girls to put a tick mark behind it. I am pretty sure there will be tick marks everywhere! And to think that men are so unaware about it makes me wanna go on a rampage! What a world we live in! Great post!

And Aditya, can I come and live in your "safe" world?

anup keerrthi said...
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Anonymous said...

well, i'm speechless not because of the incidennts but for your courage. i know these incidents do occur often and to be fair even much worst things have happened which gives me a feel that i'm back to barbaric age.

its true life is difficult for girls on road. i have met many people who thinks it as a fun or as if their birth right to do such acts. its even worst as you go north.

i always believed strict laws is not the solution. implementing laws properly will not cure the root of the disease. moreover "strict laws" and "india" are the two different ends.hence, it needs a much more understanding of the problem.

one good solution could be to change the mindset and the attitude. its the whole perception which needs a change for such crimes to get eradicated. laws can be complementary to bring that change and to reach that goal, the awareness or the education needs to be started at early age when all of us begins to shape our mind and attitude.

i see your blog as one of the small contributions to mark the begining of that change!

anup keerrthi said...

oh atlast u pen it down! remembered the concversation we had in de last benches of ramanujam, i suppos u didn pen in the experience tat led to de start of tat conversation. anyways good writin, didn know u were active bloggin, al thanx to ur proj work is it? ;)indeed must hav been an interestin read for a first timer!


Aditya said...
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Anonymous said...

So well written Deepti and a great collage too. One major regret I do have is that I didn't learn any martial arts when I was young, I suppose I could still give it a go. It certainly does make one a lot more assertive.

Aditya said...

i think u are getting a bit too emotional out there... but then i guess i made my point clear... I have never ever heard of such things earlier.. maybe a few in the movies here n there but then .... things never looked convincing as you told them.. maybe the gender difference showin off.. and i still wonder (especially the karate incident) if its real.. ok ok i put forth my honest opinion andi guess u shouldn't be outraged by that... and guess the other person "romantic by twilight" who commented a bit rude in my blog... this onez for both of ya..."THE WORLD WILL NEVER SING PAEANS FOR WHATEVER YOU WRITE OR SAY".. "LEARN TO TAKE THE CRITICISM IN THE RIGHT VEIN".. there is nothing to fight about.. my writing this comment doesn't show my intention to fight it out... hope you arent annoyed.

P.S and hey i forgot to mention last time around.. the collage was damn beautiful and expressive

Sujit said...

Oh.. thats bad you and your friends have to undergo such hirrible situations. And its very true that girls do not tell you and keep to themselves.. Which most cases guys tend to take advantage.. which i have seen college!! Although i felt terrible at the comments of the guys but i didn't know what to do!.. as they were my freinds!.. a mute spectator I was veen knowing things are not good!..

But, good you learnt some self defensive skills to hold your self aganist some cult fellows!!..

Eclectic Blogger said...

sad to read what you had written.. but not men are like that.. and you probably know that as well..

Einsteinophile said...

It is a damn good start!
Not many ppl know t issues tht r faced by women. Our lives r made miserable by such inceidnts.... though u may have hit t guy or bashed him up... or even wud've taken him to t cop.... THE MARK STILL REMAINS.... nothin can make u forget t incident... :(

Deepti Ravi said...

@megha - :) yup! It's a gr8 initiative that has been taken here!

@nirmal - thanx a lot. Your attitude is good. Yeah.. there is a greater awareness and a lil bit of attitude change.. but there is still miles to go before ..

@vasu - What do I say? There are a lot of things that i wanna ..
1. Hurray for your aunt!!
She rocks!!!
2. You are right, the public
is extremely supportive.. i
don't know about other places
.. but yeah chennai's
attitude rocks!! Reminds me
of the train incident
( pickpocket) in Munna Bhai
3.Hmm.. yeah.. it really hits
you the most hard when its
4. On the whole 'amen' to
everything you have
said!!! :)

Deepti Ravi said...

@jagan - But still didn't those sick stories really curl your young blood?

@anna - 'hazards of being born with XX chromosomes' ..loved that statement!! lol... very true.. the awareness that is now being created itself is extremely heartening.. notwithstanding those occasional snorts of disbelief!! thanx :)

@boo - I think that schools should start distributing those lists among their students.. to be aware and to create an awareness among young children! You can never start too young!! Thanx... but look at it positively... so many ppl are atlast finally getting an idea of the way things are!! :)

Deepti Ravi said...
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bilbo said...

just read ur post. Good for you that u know karate. I think apart from self defence, we need to educate parents on how to protect their kids better and we definitely need to get the message out that no one asks for it. So the kids are not to blame. the question is how.

Deepti Ravi said...

@anon - Attitude change is a must, but laws can go a long way.. if he had strict implementers.. which we unfortunately dont!!

@anup - thanx.. yeah been blogging for a decent time..actually don't remember which incident sparked our conversation in ramanujam hall.. enlighten me.. but if its too personal.. mail me reg tat :)

@wicked angel - Yup! It's never too late.. but to be honest.. just a little bit of knowledge alone wil suffice.. its easy to scratch people's eyes out...kick them in the groin ..or bite them ;)

@aditya- thanx for the compliment. Personally, I think it is a topic worth getting emotional about. I don't lie. So stop constantly slapping your disbelief on my face. I'm not the kind to turn the other cheek. I take criticism. But not statement of accusation of being a 'LIAR'.Learn the difference, Aditya. Anyway.. it's really not worth justifying myself or getting into a discussion. I just have one recommendation to make to you... Go on to .. there are a whole lot of participants in this blogathon.. Read what they all have to write... you can start with a couple of ppl who have commented in my own blog who have written about this issue.. like Megha, Anna, boo... etc.,.

Jagan said...

yeah it did ..we planned few things which made her uncle's life diffficult ..for eg : she put mud into his bike's petrol tank and we other things ..

but the thing tht really bugged us was tht when she complained to her parents (after we asked her to do so ) , her parents didnt believe her !!!they thought she was lying abt her uncle ..

Deepti Ravi said...

@sujit - stop being a mute spectator!! Stand up and speak out!!

@eclectic blogger - ofcourse i know that!! I have a lot of guy friends... and i trust them implicitly :)

@rockstar - look @my reply to eclectic... and good show!! that is the right spirit... :)

@einsteinophile- yup. you never ever forget them. but standing up makes the incident sweet. Because you remember more what you did than what happened to you.

Deepti Ravi said...

@bilbo - yeah.. awareness needs to be increased.. i think my @boo answers how i feel it should be delt with!! :) thanx.. we need sex education , awareness and values classes.. to make kids at a very young age be alert to the disgusting things that can occur. Its better to be safe than sorry.

@jagan - hey , totally cool!!! What you guys did!! It was brave!! You know.. the parents reaction would probably have been denial? It probably made it easier for them to pretend their kid was lying than to believe that their brother was a pervert and that their kid might have been molested. Wrong attitude.

San said...

hey deepti, oh gosh reading this has made me feel so many things .. angry is probably the best feeling i could describe.

It's very unfair that women are put through so much crap, the more posts I read the more i learn that India isn't the ideal country i had it down as.Isn't this the country that gives so much respect to the woman? Mother India etc etc?

Men need to be educated more and women need to speak up more, not an easy task I know but ignoring it or blaming ourselves isn't the way. I think the blank noise project is a great cause and i hope more women come out and speak out against such a crime.

Vasu the terrible said...

@ deepti - Thats my cousin whose experience it was.. not aunt :)

I think one has to first accept these things happen. When you accept the fact that this is an issue, you start thinking about the solutions for it. Many families dont accept it for social fears.

We as a society have a long way to go. Many donot even accept genuine mental illness as a natural and normal health issue. They are so afraid of it that concealment of such illnesses is considered a better option than accepting it and correcting it. Societal attitudes have to change too. Many of the molesters carry with them a deep psychological problem. Its easy to brand this as just a public disorder issue.

Thats why my whole approach is to not just punish them but reform them.

First step is dont look at yourself as a victim and dont look at it as a female issue. With women it is a talked about issue today. What about young kids who fall prey to more sinister things like (paedophilia) abused by an elder woman. I have known a couple of cases like that too.

Once again this is not a pacifist or just humane approach. Its more practical way to protect the vulnerable from the vultures.


Vasu the terrible said...

@ deepti - Just telling you that there are young male kids abused by elder woman. This may not be so prevalent and open. Why am I saying this ? Just that its not really restricted to one gender.

Social/political posts have been my real interest and forte. Most of them so conterversial, virulent and extreme that I have had many people request me not to post such articles. It just bores them. Then again, I cant stay out of my natural zone can I. Something interesting is working right now in my mind and by the end of the week will see the light of the day. meanwhile just posted a tag on the "kind of person you want to marry" going around the blog world...

I find it sometimes refreshing to be trivial and non-consequential. Just plain lame. But not for long.

Thanks for your request. Thats reason enough to push me to action.


Vinesh said...

sad truth.
but if girls are scared, the treatment is worse..

my sisters and all my gal friends have at least one such story to tell. makes my blood boil..

Anonymous said...

hmmmm every1s doin this...but must say out of everyone..i liked urs...

Aditya said...

yeah, i have already visited the blank noise project blog and would like to get into a good discussion with those people... maybe thats why i commented here in the first place i guess... want to be near to the truth... maybe i am quite ignorant of the true world.. so please do feel free in lettin me know whatz goin on...

twip said...

I think what we need is good SEX education.
There is no sex education in schools and girls and guys mingling is considered close to a crime( I know its ridiculous) in most schools AND to top it off the movies we watch show the hero first harassing the girl horribly with his cronies, and then she falls in love with him because hes so MACHO!
These are some of the basic reasons affecting the "street harasser's" psyche.
Obviously the "eve-teaser" becomes so desparate, he resorts to groping/pinching/whatever in public.
We should deal with this in a grassroots level. If education statrts in middle school...wouldnt it be better?
After all it all boils down to RESPECT for a woman dosent it?

Sid said...

OMG...never thought it was so bad!! crap...i agree with megha...a woman definitely needs respect...and someone's gotta do something about it!!!

Anonymous said...

Excellent post that narrates just the true incidents which had happened to almost every girl..... I beleive there isn't even a single girl who has not underwent such horrors in life

Da Rodent said...

megha: exactly., heh.. these dumb indian movies dont show the proper ways of how a guy would approach a girl. they show these dumb methods which end up being practised on the streets..

But well., I did not know the situation was so bad. hmm.. do we get pepper sprays in india??

Deepti Ravi said...

@vasu- hey! When i said hats off to your aunt.. i meant that awesome train incident.Somehow I don't feel reform can be made feasible. Its too ingrained an attitude... But yeah.. such efforts are worth a try... needs to be seen if it would succeed.Looking forward to your political article btw ;)

@freaky chakra - thanx a lot :)

@vinesh - yeah, seriously.. its not the clothes a girl wears .. but fear which is her worst enemy. Most sickos tend to target that.

@confused not obsessed - yeah, its courtesy blanknoise project.. a good thing they are doing..thanx :)

@aditya - good for you!! Keep browsing through the posts ppl are posting..the truth lies right there!

@megha,joe - OMG!!Seriously!!! Big time crap what you end up seeing in the movies... heroes really demean the female race!! They really propogate Machoism.. and playing the roughie toughie , na?? Its ridiculous!!! A real encouragement to the youth to act cheap!! I'll never forget that movie 'Kadhal Desam' which had abbas and vineet... after that movie..suddenly the guys learnt all kinds of shit!!! In the name of how college guys should behave!!! Yup!!
Totally for having 'sex education' for the 'young adults'.!!!!

@sid, megha - yeah! The question now is how to tackle it? How to spread the message to schools?

@anon- thanx. you're right.

@joe - yes! They are available! I have a personal alarm. The kind i have with me when i'm travelling alone.. suppose a guy tries to act smart.. i just trigger it.. and it lets out a 130 db siren.. quite effective.. fortunately ( or not), I am yet to be given the opportunity to use it ..

Vasu the terrible said...

ya... now i get it.. the bus jostling thing is actually quiet common and i have seen many scuffles occur because some romeo is hitting on a woman..

these woman are sometimes so nasty with their words that the guy who is caught beats a quick retreat. With an active public sometimes he even gets mob treatment.

That day I was too young to realise what was happening and later as I grew up, I realised post facto what had happened..


Anonymous said...

well,my experiences was not as bad as urs...
good u beat them up
next time,kick them,n kick them hard in their snesitive spots


anup keerrthi said...

ooi de thing that happened whil anu, div and u were seated in de empty bus in beasant ngr bus stop i suppos!! how can u 4get deepti! atleast remembered now?? it needs to find a place too right?!

The Guy Next Door said...

Agree with Megha - Sex Education needs to be introduced in the Indian school systems. Till that happens, we as parents, elder brothers/sisters, etc should take it upon us to educate the little ones.

Nice post, Deepti - Its highly encouraging to see women standing up for themselves rather than keeping things in the closet. Brave and Inspiring.

Navjot Kashyap said...

First time on your blog - came from Tony's.I agree with you. Mostly it happens because the culprits know that they will get along with it and nothing would happen to them.

ammani said...

Great post. Love the idea of a collage. You've got alot of people talking. Which is good.

Da Rodent said...

megha, deepthi: the funny thing is that crap happens with only Indian cinema. we dont see junk like that in hollywood. It so fckin disgusting to see how a rogue attitude and cheap behaviour is glorified as heroism in our movies. The very act of eve-teasing is mostly portrayed as the 'falling in love' part.. whatever happened to 'asking a girl out'., 'going out for dinner'., etc.. etc.. The funny thing is the youth are getting so screwed up in their heads watching these movies that., they have sort of lost the balls to step up and ask a girl out. All they can do these days is stand around the corner, pass dirty comments and expect the women to think they are the 'madhavans' and 'simbus'..

siren?? hmm... i think it would be a good business idea to start manufacture of 'stun guns', 'tasers', etc.. in india.. :P

Anonymous said...

@Joe Steve

How many indian girls are ok with a guy expressing his "genuine" interest and asking the girl out? Dont most of them become hysterical abt tht? I just wanted to know...

I guess it is also the culture which plays a part in propagating this crime.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with what others are saying abt indian movies. To sum it up in one word indian movies are just "CRAP"

Can u believe in a new tamil movie "Idhaya Thirudan", the girl suddenly falls in love with the hero after the hero forcefully gives her an english lip kiss.

I guess i need not add more here.

Unknown said...


I have been hopping from one blog to another (thanks to Blank Noise) and I am so happy that people are finally coming out and talking and discussing. Things that were not to be repeated again have become a coffee table topic but more needs to be done. I hope we can collatively speaking, make a tiny dent somewhere...


One in the crowd said...

Speaking out itself is a brave thing to do...but hitting back is truly truly heroic, though heroism would be the last thing in one's mind in such a situation...I admire you for that...

Deepti Ravi said...

@vasu - yeah! such sights are a feast to the eyes!! Publc outcry can be very intimidating!!

@anup - I was jus wondering which among the many , da!!!

@sharad- thanx.yeah.. sex ed is a must.

@navjot - agree with you.It's a crime that mostly goes unapprehended.

@ammani - thanx.:)

@scarlett - would like to, but cowards tend to run.]

@joe - hmmm...serious.. considering the way these days ,we borrow so much out of Hollywood..we should start borrowing attitudes too!!!! I wouldn't mind owning a stun gun!! ;)

@grey one- okay, jus' answer this ? What would an Indian girl prefer as means of a guy showing 'interest in her'

A. Being approached with a smile and then .....

B. Pull her braids, comment on her figure, whistle at her , and how abt ' iddupae thodarthu' athukaparam...

Is that a difficult question to answer? Do you actually think that B is gonna get the guy the girl?????
And yuck!!! That new Tamil movie sounds terrible!!!!

@ east street - yup! now we need to proceed to axn..

@blah..blah - thanx.

Da Rodent said...

The.Grey.One: well., if a girl freaks out like mad when you ask her out., well.. i think you've news.. :P

Aditya said...

being here has set me out on a journey through other blogs... an eye opener of sorts.. got to know a real feel of the chilling experiences u girls go thru daily. Linked ya post to mine and my small post... hope u dont mind.. thats the least i hope i can do.. the kgp junta needs to know and take part too in this noble cause -- hopefully my blog might serve that purpose.. though i admit not many read it..

Deepti Ravi said...

@joe - lol, you sure did hit the nail on the head!!! ;)

@aditya - your volte face is much appreciated, dude!!

dakaltiz said...

Outright Post Deepti... so heartfelt n true....

I've heard and seen a lot such incidents from childhood ...
I have been with my sisters and my friends and have heard lots!!
It hurts me a lot... How much pain u girls have to come through in this wicked soceity...

Good to c a brave girl in u...Hats off mam...

Looked into a few of your posts...seems like u r totally fed up with such things in the world..

Cheer up...There are lots a good things n some sweet ppl out there to look n write abt too...

First Time here!
Will keep hitting this blog!

Anonymous said...

Deepti.. Im hell struck with horror on reading this blog of urs... Jus wondering abt my sis and wat kind of exp she wud be having. Its so bad tat such horrible things happen around. I appreciate u to have brought out such things to light.

Cheer up buddy.. Things wud change soon.


Random Access said...

Seems like im a bit too late to this post of urs,just like I was aware of these things just a bit late in my life.. Probably wanna check here.

I always believe that each person has to realise it himself and keep up his morality and integrity. I know its impossible for everyone to do it, but the more we hear about such disgusting things, the bitter we become and the better we become.

I do think morality in India has taken a downturn with the growing economy giving more money, more freedom and more exposure to the wrong type of media.

Random Access
The search has just begun !!! (To do what I can to safeguard those around me and to make myself a better person)

Pradeep Nair said...

Hi Deepti,

I fully believe in the point you have mentioned in your reply to my comment. In fact, I have written often about this point, which is termed as 'sterotyping'.

As journalist I am aware and conscious about this aspect, and whenever I get a chance I make sure it is highlighted in some form in the paper I work for.

Of course, there is lots and lots of printed words about this. Awarness is not the issue, but the willingness to change tack, and bring up children differently; not in the way they were looked upon and brought up some 50 years ago.


Anonymous said...

Your blog is listed in chennai bloggers list. If possible place a link in your blog to chennai bloggers list.

PS: You might be interested in this, we a group of youngsters doing social service, our website.

backpack_everyday said...

Good face up kick some badass and nasty balls instead of running away and feeling humiliated.Being mentally strong is the is filled with junk .better to stand up and chase it away than to be chased by..

Anonymous said...

this is the only blank noise project blog which is raw and real. so real that it hits me hard. im sorry these things hapnd 2 u...not sympathy but i am ashamed some of these men (myself being 1)are like dat.i never new dis asking 4 directions i wud think twice 4 asking directions even 4 real..lolz..(can make jokes but yet 2 recover)..

Vasu the terrible said...


waiting for your next post...
Bring it on!!!!


Anonymous said...

Sad State Of Affairs...

it's defn not the girls fault that she gets harassed.. but there are always gonna sick guys lurking around waiting for chance...

but if women can be a bit more careful and cautious, it always good for them..

like someone had mentioned abt pepper sprays..

i also happened to read ur post 'Scary Exp...' ...

Even if a girl were to go with 2 guys in an auto and 6 thugs managed to get a hold of u.. not sure what those 2 guys can do to protect u.. it's just that the probablity of people tryin such stuff when u have company is much less..

secondly ur cell phone is a good weapon.. the moment u sense danger.. it's always a good idea to dial '112'... that's the SOS number for any Mobile Phone and it connects to the nearest Police Station ( i think so.. but it defn goes to some police control room)

112 can be dialled on phone
1) Without a SIM CARD
2.) With the phone on lock (keypad lock)

it's not Service Provider Dependent (since u can dial the number without the SIM)..

once dialled the police can track u (they are supposed to track you down asap.. !!!)

Sorry abt the long comment.... looks like many people read the piece.. hope more read it and be informed

I Got to this post thanks to the einsteinophile... !!!!

I said...

There is something fundamentally flawed about the Indian outlook towards women, marraige and sex.

Anonymous said...

deeps! remember most of these me these things are not just a part of the life in India but happen all over the world. reading ur blog (blogs,works!!) after ages...still remember u joining karate class and kickin everyone around with those chops n trying to fight divya vasudev...hope ur defense mechs work well with roaches!!! n ya taking someone doubles on Bes Av...mmm..wonder who that was..i can imagine anaka or megha giving those final touches or shd i say whackkkkksssss..ive kicked a few ppl myself in a different land thats equally rotten (although u dont see it from outside..get the picture only wen u come here!)

Surya Pratap Mishra said...

First of all let me thank you with all my heart for the wonderful job you are doing.Its really worth appreciation.
As for the growing crimes against women , I believe its high time that people think seriously about it.Actually the fact is that we Indians never take the lead in doing things,only when our self-interests are in danger that we care to have a thought.Imagine something happen to someone's daughter then that person will take whatever action and its much painful to know that people around would just turn a deaf ear to his cries.Its really a pity!!!
Unless people realise their duties and learn to devote some time for the society which has given them so much I am afraid not m uch is going to change.
And for the girls,I would like to say-just try to be more confident in your actions.Just keep in mind you are no way inferior to the male population.Someone hits upon you,you hit back at them more strongly.Just ignore guys who have ample time to eve-tease girls but dont have the motivation to earn bread for their families.They are not even worth you !!!
Best wishes to deepti....bbye

_ said...
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Di said...

grt post girl...and totally agree..i too happened to learn martial arts. must say i wud love to make it a cumpulsory subject in the curriculum...

Anonymous said...

Well ur post is toogood and if u can publish the same in Some of the journals it might be useful for ur cause.....

Anonymous said...

Amazing post!!..It takes courage to recount the incidents and since the narration is honest and clear..i am sure it would help and embolden the affected...

Anonymous said...

i never knew girls face these kind of harassments..really was a thought evoking..great goin..u have inspired me to write a post on these kind of behaviours by loafers in and around chennai...thanks

Anonymous said...

in my village, one fellow sexually abused three children of age 3 and 4. 2 died. one survivied after 3 months of mental shock. im the one, the survivor!!! i was 3 then. he was killed by my dad, uncles, the other kids family with the support of the village people. even his own family didnt come for his rescue. after that i have fought my way through my life and reached a good position (as good as to aspire ISB). i have faced this misbehaviours very frequent and even once blamed myself for such thing. even i was compelled to accept a child marriage as my uneducated parents were scared that i will not get married. i even had to impose a self-exile to escape form these things and develop a career. i know how painful it is. and the society including paretns who are not educated, willing to punish only the victim. anyway there are guys who are not aware of these sins totally as expressd in these comments. may be u will be happy to know now im married and have a kid.