Friday, March 17, 2006


A cousin of mine asked me to research her assignment topic ' Why don't politicians commit suicide?'. I agree, it is a complete rip-off from Chetan Bhagat's 'One night at a call centre'.But quite an interesting question to ponder on. These are just some random facts I collected...

Politicans who have committed suicide - total of b/w 40 -70 ( from Wikipedia)

Leandro Nicefero Alem - Argentina - Age 52 ( year of death 1896). He started a political movement called Radical Civil Union to overthrow the ruling government. His uprising against the ruling govt failed and his supporters and political followers deserted him. Unable to take what he felt as a betrayal he shot himself in the temple.

Viscount Castlereagh - Very unpopular politician who was reviled.But politically achieved a lot . Irish - Britain politician.Claimed he was being blackmailed for some perverse acts .. was asked to consult a physician( mental). Went back home and cut his throat with a letter opener.

John Christopher Cutler - Was S.Governer , Utah. Gunshot death at the age of 82. Reason - Ill heath plagued him and he wanted to end the pain ( significant - His death was at a very old age and his reasons extremely acceptable).

Most important ------

Adolph Hitler - When Soviet Forces entered Berlin in 1945, Hitler knew the war was lost and all that would face him would be torture and court martials etc.,So consulted his physician regarding the best way to kill himself. Married his GF Eva Braun on April 30th.
Same day , Eva and he killed themselves by the means of gunshot and cyanide. A potent combination.
These are a list of the politicians ( intersting ones) who have committed suicide. Interesting point among this ... is that a majority of them kill themselves by the means of gunshot. Reason ? As a politician are weapons easily accessible? Or the more honorary reason of a gunshot being heralded as being ' A HONORABLE SOLDIER'S DEATH'???? I think the latter personally.

Fact remains that the resort to suicide in the case of all of these politicians was more end all, than depression or unhappiness with life as such. The choice when all else paths do fail.

Questions I ask? Reasoning? Is it because the roads of a politician are paved with gold. They do not face bankrupty with all the money they swindle us off? Prestige , power ,bootlicking all theirs? When a student can kill himself over failing an exam , why does not a politician kill himself when he loses an election? What about that a large majority of politicians in India are faced with charges of murder, rape or at the least charges of corruption and bribery? Unlike common man they are always acquitted? The Jessica Lal case where the son of a ex Minister who shot her in a bar in the midst of many witnesses ..and 7 years down the lane they all turn hostile? So is suicide not an option because they always have ways out of any crisis they face?

Important and intersting article - In 2004, Amlashol Village , People were dying with lack of food , water after a crop failure. A politician called Sambhu Mandi told the press that the villagers would not die. That if the trees would not provide them roots, leaves and fruits the villagers could eat Snakes , Rats and Toads!???? An inhuman remark from an inhuman politician? You need to feel to kill yourself. Be capable of feeling those ups and downs in life???

Check out this article -

About David Kelly, WMD Inspector, who killed himself recently. The author has some very intersting points. The press glorified his courage. The author says, " Since when did the point 'Only the good kill themselves' come true? Was Hitler good? Was Fred West good? ( serial killer ) Suicide is rarely heroic. It is the act of cowards ".

This statement gives weight to the other alternative. To become a politician requires endurance, stamina,cunning and perseverance.It is a great achievment. The achievments might not be heroic , might not be for the good of the country, but still it takes a lot to reach that point. There are many students who face exams . Not all kill themselves. There are those who thrive under the stress, are ambitious and do brilliantly. To become a politician - a successful known one, require that steel and ambition. Can you thus equate the politician with the student who thrives under stress and sets out to perform brilliantly?
Think it over.


twip said...

On one end of the spectrum...we have sado-masichistic boors like hitler.

On the other end you have our desi politicians who are no better than wolves...waiting to loot at any moment.
makes me wonder....

twip said...

BTW...its the punkster here.....not some other vague dont get confused:D

Shashi Iyer said...

c'mon. at the end of the day, they're humans too.

Pradeep Nair said...

A very intersting post, Deepti. It's the death of David Kelly which touched me (a thought if it could have been murder) and thought of how fate turned out in his case.

From what I have read, one decides to take his or her life when he or she feels that there is no one for him or her to belong to. This combined with an extremely low self-esteem can be highly dangerous. (That's why there is a theory that the term 'suicide bomber' is wrong, since they are highly motivated.)

It doesn't really matter if the person is a politician or a professor or a celebrity. Because what is on play is raw human emotions -- that make no distinction between the rich and the poor; the urbane and the rustic; the famous and the notorious; the well-known and the anonymous.

Dawdler said...

astutely written and a nice read.... its a combination of cowardice and imprudence that pushes some1 over the precipice..... life's a nasty mess, but suicide shud never be the option, be it a politician or the underperforming student...

ada-paavi!!!! said...

politicians wont commit suicide coz they r cowards, suicide does neeed some courage, n they don have the courae to kill themselves.

secondly indian politicians might be bothered bout how they will be remembered if they commit suicide,

Random Access said...

No wonder i cudnt find any indian names in there :P All these theories and hypothesis doesnt hold water in a land where politicians are a tough breed and who have decades of relevant experience ;)

Random Access
The search has just begun !!!

Prashanth said...

Politicians are too practical to commit suicide. Its always the none-too-pragmatic type of people who come up with weird notions like suicide. Look up the number of mathematicians or artists who committed suicide, you'll be surprised.

Kausikram Krishnasayee said...

nice research deep. i mean it is extremely true. think about this, the once who become politicians are the once who fail in the exams and who fail to commit suicide

Einsteinophile said...

Ahem!Ahem! :)

Vasu the terrible said...

I think suicide devastates the community much more than anything else. Politicians are at the end of the day humans too.

I dont think they are immune to psychological issues.


Vasu the terrible said...

I think suicide devastates the community much more than anything else. Politicians are at the end of the day humans too.

I dont think they are immune to psychological issues.


Anonymous said...

-out of topic-
Not fair! I want to say bye in person and I want treat!
- Boo.

Kirthi said...

Are you a Wiproite? Now before you get spooked and start looking for spy-cams around your cubicle let me put you at ease...I just happened to read your "life as a fresher" post and the 17k and bond seemed too uncannily familiar so I took a wild guess you might be one.

sandipan said...

The very title is irrelevent to indian politics. its tough to expect dons and corrupt breeds to give up their life due to guilt. however, such questions are necessary for national debate... a sign of changing times. good blog!!

Deepti Ravi said...

@all - firstly , I have been out of circuit and will be for prob a week or more!! Can barely hit a comp. Shifted to yet to be allocated a sys..and my house comp is right now ..dead!!

@megha- hey punkster.. it had to be you ;) hmm.. yeah ..end all , they suck!

@sashi - barely!! self serving.. tat is what they are!!it's like a s/w professional who uses their sys for blogging instead of coding or getting onto online resources ;)

@pradeep - yeah.. low self esteem is probably the crux of the reasoning behind suicides..

@freaky chakra - can't really agree with you on that point.. not too many politicians ( unfortunately) get assasinated..otherwise would the current breed like sonia gandhi..jayalalitha.. mk... deve gowda be still alive?? I kinda think that it is their hard bitten character!!!

@dawdler - sometimes, u can feel that you have no other choice.. to be honest ..when i was writing my 12th boards.. i seriously contemplated commiting suicide.. jus' didn't wanna at the end all.. coz i wanted to know how much i would score..and felt I was yet to read all the books and watch all the movies i want to ;) crazy huh?

Deepti Ravi said...

@ada paavi - hmm... but really? The ppl who commit suicide tend to either do so .. coz they feel that no one thinks abt them .. or that the ones who do, don't think good.. so how does the opinion abt one's character after killing themselves really matter???

@RA - totally agree with you ;)

@prashanth - hmm.. interesting.. I should hunt that up!! :)

Deepti Ravi said...

@ada paavi - hmm... but really? The ppl who commit suicide tend to either do so .. coz they feel that no one thinks abt them .. or that the ones who do, don't think good.. so how does the opinion abt one's character after killing themselves really matter???

@RA - totally agree with you ;)

@prashanth - hmm.. interesting.. I should hunt that up!! :)

Deepti Ravi said...

@mi - interesting point you make !!:)

@vasu - probably they just are a stronger breed than the general mass?

@kirthi - well.. well..well.. am i to say welcome to the club? ;) :)

@sandipan - thanx.

Anonymous said...

new assignment.."why dont indian politicians kill themselves?"...lolz..

Kirthi said...

Oh no my dear! I should be saying that to you, I being your senior :)

Deepti Ravi said...

@1$ - lol!! Add a *dammit!!! Jus' do it, wont ya????*

@kirthi - why?? why?? why?? *sob* Wish someone would have told me abt the shit i'd have to go through!!! ;) U working in Pune Development Centre??

Jagan said...

politics le iruntha ve no manam , roosam , sudu soranai there is no chance of politicians commiting suicide ..

and for commiting suicide , u definitely need guts ..u can really call them cowards .

Vasu the terrible said...

@What is stronger ? - An identification of purpose. That you have something to achieve in this world and you are willing to fight it out. I think suicide is a complex subject and there might be different reasons for that. Honour, is one. In a particular hawaian village suicide rates suddenly shot up and teenage boys were committing suicide. It went like an epidemic as someone who they respected and revered commited it as a matter of statement and a rebellious way to die. Often the reasons were trivial like breakups, scolding from parents etc. and the boys saw suicide as a route to martyrdom.

Very similar to the recent suicide commited by an aspiring model in bombay. One should note that she personally knew nafisa who committed suicide.

Suicide is a phenomena of the deep mind. Having known a good friend who almost died by drinking poison, I think suicide is an illness very similar to epilepsy schirzophrenia etc. It need medical intervention of a psychologist. In a country like India with tremendous stigma associated with mental illness, its difficult to convince people about their condition and seek help.


Anonymous said...

HI!Very good work on such a narrow topic!
A student and a politician commiting suicide are the entire different cases..
Most of the student suicides happen because of premature understanding of life,mostly instinctive..(recently a student of IIT kills himeself in the morning of the exam day,after mugging for late night..)Yes,i accept everyone is under tremendous stress levels in this extremely competitive world..BUt,it is all that how u respond to it!!Just like how bravely,responsibly u responded when u are confronted with the problems mentioned in"Blank Noise Project"...It is just an impulse function given to characterize the system,the output of which is a function of ur character,attitude...:)

nandini said...

I wish they wouldn't - killing them would be so much more satisfying. Suicide- is something I'd normally consider an act of cowardice -with people like Hitler , I'm certain of it. But as for the others ... I'll reserve judgement I guess.

Shashi Iyer said...

hey new post pls, madam

I said...

Suicide is practical.

Shashi Iyer said...

i didnt check out that "@all: ..." thingie :(

Escape.... Great Escape said...

I feel what is more relevant is what does a person's profession have anything to do with whether he commits suicide or not?
And you are trying to connect one of the most trivial 'professions' with it... I kind of agree with Prashant... but would like to add one more thing... people who CAN commit suicide already do when they become politicians. Ever think about that?

Anonymous said...

Wonderful and informative web site.I used information from that site its great.
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