Wednesday, February 22, 2006


I wrote this one when I was once in an extremely introspective yet euphoric mood. Looking back, I cannot find it in myself to be so euphoric and enthused yet can't help but wish I was.

It was a meaningful insight into the kind of life I would like to lead. The resolve to live happy.The decision to take each day as it came and live for the moment.Life is too short to dwell in misery and self pity. It deserves to be a celebration. A celebration of all we had,have and will have in the future. :) It's a beautiful world.Not sparkling white, true. But neither is it a dark brooding melanchony.I need to start loving all I have. And learn to change what I can barely tolerate.Not spend my life brooding on what I dislike yet make no attempt to banish it.I can't change the world. But in the process of enriching my life I do hope in some small way I can make the people around me happy and slowly move on to make a difference in the world.


ada-paavi!!!! said...

this post somehow reminds me of the movie life is beautiful. even when the protagnist is staring at a dead end he manages to remain happy and maintain a positive outlook on life. i totally loved the movie.

vishy said...

I have often thought about this.. and I can only remember MAdonna's Frozen here's the link "Frozen " ...

kuttichuvaru said...

nice positive thoughts!! helps in lookin at the broader good than the narrower bad!!

nandini said...

Live , you live but onc; Enjoy your life, becuse it is the only thing that you have.

Einsteinophile said...

Beautiful Post! :)

Dawdler said...

although euphemestic....made my day...

Deepti Ravi said...

@kaushik - how can it help to remember the bad when you feel euphoric? Unless the bhagvad gita guides u which says that too much of good/bad is not good!! unfortunately never seen both movies.. : ( though think i shall give one of 'em a try this week!!
@vatsan -i picked up this movie once.. saw a little bit of it.. and then dint find the time to complete it .. but yeah.. heard it is one of those amazingly , shout out from the top of the roof "I love life !" kinda movies!!
@vishy - It is a lovely song !!one of madonna's best !!
@kuttichavaru- :) but tough to when u r down :(
@nandini - exactly!! :) u never know what might happen tomorrow ; )
@einst - thanx :)
@dawdler - thanx.. but why euphemism? It does not hint at anything unpalatable?

Unknown said...

*sniff* do i smell a Mother Teresa here? ;)

Detachment from materialistic pleasures by itself brings a lot of happiness. You shouldnt for anything give up possessions, but your happiness should be independent of that state or nature of an external object!

Vasu the terrible said...

absolutely... The key to almost all things in life lies within the small round bone box on every person's shoulders.

Well said and I guess realising that is perhaps the smartest thing anyone can do.

great show!!!


Neets said...
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Random Access said...

Wonderful thot. but its not the thot tht matters, its ur actions. Do u plan on doing it or have u started doing it. Its the implementation that is usually the problem of any good idea...

Random Access
The search has just begun !!!

Kausikram Krishnasayee said...

Ya i am sure you are right, we have to live for the moment, but sddenly i remember that i have to finish my Record work....:(

twip said...

Hear! Hear!
U made my day:)

Pradeep Nair said...

This is postivism. That's the best tonic available in the planet to get you good sleep and to propel yourself forward in life.

If everyone changed in their own little ways, no one would have to change others.

BTW, thanks for the comments and I share your abhorrence for America and its big bully attitude.

Dawdler said...

not somethign unpalatable, but wudnt expect every1 to be undiversified... spoils the color of life...

Shashi Iyer said...

hey! nice one... do we se signs of celebration?

p.s. i'm expecting the next post to be ad hoc to celebrate fun and love!

Hash Gowda said...

Keep ur life simple. You can make a difference that way.

Deepti Ravi said...

@ can you see my halo - wohh..ur names sure are a handful and a mouthful.. took me a while to identify you!!! sorry abt tat .. these days my moods are a little on the morbid side..
@tenali - simplicity is too 'ignored'? i don't know..that's how i feel

Shashi Iyer said...

OH MY! you don't have to be sorry, of course! now this is can you chage my halo aka shashi

vevck said...

Hey Deepti!

Each one of us can definitely make the difference in shaping our lives, provided we start accepting ourselves & the world around us & start living by the moments. Then naturally the things around us would change and Life would be Celebration!

This reminds me of a quote from Mark Twain "Don't go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first."

Have fun!


I said...

Life is futile. Pretending otherwise is even more futile.