Tuesday, January 10, 2006


"Sell me your hearts,I am here to buy"
raucously bellowed the heart buying man"
Give them to me, I'll pay any price
courageous among you,come if you can!"

"Run!Run! As fast as winds"
screamed petrified children scrambling away
escaping away from that horrible old man
leaving their unfinished games and play

"Why are we running? Who is that man?"
asked one child, new to that place"
To me he seems lonely,sad and dejected
Maybe we should ask him to once join our plays?"

Incredulously another stared at the boy
and asked "Did you not see that devil in disguise?
He is only here to buy our hearts!
That horrid old man with charcoal red eyes!"

"His wizened bent body is serpentine like
His fingers like talons, to tear you apart
He dresses in rags,has no shoes on his feet
and did you not hear him say that he would buy your heart?"

Puzzled the child looked at his newfound mate
and said, "All I did see was an old man,all alone
with eager bright eyes and a longing smile
crying for friendship,though weary to the bone"

The child then turned and he ran and he ran
as fast as the winds towards the heart buying man
The heart buyer watched amazed at such an extroardinary sight
until the child came, stopped and reached out its hand

And then with eyes gleaming, a strange smile lurking
he clapped his hands in untold glee
and asked"Have you come to sell me me your heart?"
"No",said the child "You can have mine for free."

-Deepti ,2004.


Kausikram Krishnasayee said...

my heart is now for 'sale'
but none care
they say i am a typical 'male'
and noone is ready to dare.

now i say my heart is free,
yet being unaccepted is my destiny,
people still flee
at the very sight of me.....

Unknown said...

man...was that good or what! cool deeps...keep going with more such stuff!

Pradeep Nair said...

The kid heart is for free
The adult heart has a fee
Isn't that the reality
How much ever we disagree.

Prashanth said...

Nice one :)

Shashi Iyer said...

ooh... now i'm your fan :). too good.

Jagan said...

nammakku kavithai theriyathu , ana kavita theriyum :) .

Nice one machi .looking forward to more.

Einsteinophile said...

So u decided to cal it 'SELL ME YOUR HEART' eh?? :) Nice one!

Vasu the terrible said...

nice one.


Deepti Ravi said...

@all -thanx!!
@einsteinophile - yup! none of u liked the previous title, remember? ;)
@pradeep- beautifully said, and quite true!!!

Random Access said...

Beautiful verse. Cudnt hide my smile and there are 5 faces glaring down at me now ;)

Random Access
The search has just begun !!!

Deepti Ravi said...

@ RA - call me stupid... but wat are the 5 faces??? :( :(

Random Access said...

aaaah, juz some 5 guys around me :P

Random Access
The search has just begun !!!