Wednesday, December 07, 2005


To whomsoever it concerns

I hereby solemnly pledge that the below stated facts are true to the best of my knowledge -

1. I hereby reiterate that I have indeed completed by Bachelors of Engineering and am not a III std pass, leave alone a XIIth pass as you seem to presume me to be.
2. I also believe myself to have completed my Engineering degree in Computer Science.
3. Further more I do indeed know how to operate a computer and do NOT require a step by step manual on how to switch it on and be taught how to use a WORD document or how to fill in numbers in an Excel sheet.
4, Oh, I also do know my numbers of 1-9 and have indeed learn how to add, subtract, multiply and divide contrary to your inability to believe so.
4. I also declare myself to not have an IQ of -141.
5. In the certainty of your disbelief, I request you to approach the Human Resource Department and obtain a copy of my resume and photocopies of my original university and school certificates( oh, my!! they do exist!!) which attests to the afore mentioned facts.

Thanks and Regards,


Einsteinophile said...

Wow!!! I'm running to the HR dept to see whether u r rite!! ;)

Unknown said...

ahem...looks like someone's going through an alter-ego trip!

nandini said...

whoa! well... thanks for the confirmation ;P

Kausikram Krishnasayee said...

wowo!! wipro has got a real engg over here people beware of discussing the third sub routine in the first module of the fifth library file .....;P

Anonymous said...

then why are u coding and doing IT coolie job?