Monday, December 05, 2005


A friend of mine sent me a link to an article that expresses what i totally feel in words i could not even begin to frame! It's fantastic...


Einsteinophile said...


Kausikram Krishnasayee said...

aboslutely ...."The former had more velocity, the latter had more depth. The former shut out the world in order to focus on the story; the latter dragged in the world in order to assess the story. The former was more fun, the latter was more cynical. But what was remarkable about the latter was that it contained the former... " abz wonderful

nandini said...

So absolutely true! :D.. I've read Surely you're joking Mr Feynman... got it at a second hand bookshop on Mt Road some years back! Brilliant stuff... Its so unfair that a guy who's such a great scientist should be a great writer too... talk about an embarrasment of talents! Btw... you should try Sophie's World... its like an intro to philosophy... really good!

kaushik said...

really great link....i would suggest that you try and read all of pradeep sabestians columns ( i am missing out on it because in mumbai ppl just like the sleaze of times!)...they are just like this..
and coming back to the article.. i am rereading ayn rand ( all her books again) and now somehow i am connecting more with the characters and absorbing more of her philosophy while at the same time reading the book for six hours at a stretch because you just cannot put it down!!

Deepti Ravi said...

@mi - umm.... that was one of my fav phrases too..........

@nan -hey... really wish had joined you on your jaunts to second hand shops. curious incident.. feynmann.. yeah.. he is just amazing..a great sense of humour to go along with it all.. most amazing is his versatility.. bio.. physics.. chem... thief... wow!!! and since you reco..i'll def hit sophie's world soon... :)
@kaushik - i'm in blore and the sleaze of times is all pervading!!! :) and ayn rand is one author who is so brilliant that with every read its as if you will catch a ray off a different facet of the diamond!!!