Wednesday, November 30, 2005

SAL DAY!!!! :)

The last day of the month is just like a Friday!! The excitement that you feel every Friday, when you know that the weekend is just around the corner is just amazing!It's the same delight that you get the last day of every month when you know that your salary is going to get credited to your account!

To be precise I have exactly Rs 65 in one account and Rs 74 in the other right now ( The amounts can't even be withdrawn at an ATM!!) . But I really could not give a damn. Because i know , I can feel the money that will be mine tomorrow! And that sure does leave me grinning away to glory already counting the many ways I will spend what will be mine!! I got this adorable forward today that quite describes my state!! It had two pitcures. One title TODAY BEFORE SALARY where there was this rather pathetic starved dog with a begging bowl in front of it . The other picture titled TOMORROW AFTER SALARY had a dog with a rather contented smirk across its face reclining on cushions hugging a pack of cup cakes. The minute I looked at these pictures I was struck with a profound sense of deja vu. A strange sense of affinity and kinship!! Ah.. to what extents the mighty do fall!! Living with my dad was easier on the pocket, definitely!!


Unknown said...

hahaha..wisdom and philosophy do kick in during times of hardship!

Brainstormer said...

Me tooo!!! not far behind here!!!

Kausikram Krishnasayee said...

deepz y not give a shot at journalism .....i am sure u will b gr8 at it ...and may b all yur pocketz will start filling with the green matter, by jus writing such stuff ;)

Deepti Ravi said...

@vikram - yeah, i swear.
@brainstormer- *lol*
@mark- thanks,;)

nandini said...

I can actually see the pics in my head... I know that feeling too! Its that anticipation that fills you the previous evening... and the first thing I do the next morning is check the balance in my account!