Sunday, November 06, 2005


I'ts my Birthday today. I turn twenty two. But somehow the thought does not leave me one bit excited. Somehow I can't fathom anything special. To be honest I find the day quite depressing.
When i was a kid I had an obsession for birthdays. November 6th was always the most exciting day of my life. I used to adore the attention, the fun and most importantly the gifts. When the day passed and it turned November 7th , I would immediately start a countdown to my next birthday. My dad and brother always said that 'Deepti has 365 friends for 365 birthdyas'.I think as a kid I probably lived for birthdays. Especially mine.

I would have those traditional birthday parties with a cake, streamers and balloons decking the house, a new dress and lots of friends and relatives bearing gifts for me, :) I remember this one instance where I refused to allow a cousin of mine to my party because he had not brought any present for me. I was like 'Giri! Don't you know that you are supposed to bring the birthday girl a gift? I can't allow you to my party'. Quite the precocious one, wasn't I?
My brother would in the night take me for a walk and buy me a pack of phantom sweet cigarettes ( I adored that stuff!!) as a birthday gift. And I would be so thrilled!It would be the final icing to a wonderful day.
Once you grow older the way you celebrate them turns different. Now its more of going out for lunch and dinner with friends and family. Its still enjoyable but so much more sober. Lacks the adrenalin surge and the excitement that traditional birthday parties with gallons of presents would offer. That wonderful feeling of being the most important person in the world that day.

Anyway, Happy Birthday to me.


Anonymous said...
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Random Access said...

Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, happyyyyyyyyyyyyy Bday :D:D:D Sorry cudnt talk to u yday...Have a blast !!!

harry haller said...


happy b'day

Kausikram Krishnasayee said...

happy birthday ........

nandini said...

Happy birthday to you
! (Sorry- its belated...)

nandini said...
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Jagan said...

hey belated bday wishes :-)

Deepti Ravi said...

@ all - thanx for the wishes..

kuttichuvaru said...

belted bday wishes :-)