Saturday, June 09, 2012

The lost childhood.

Where did she go?
The girl with skinned knees
The girl with cropped hair
The girl in denim and tees

Where did she go?
The girl with the brown face
The girl with dirty nails
The girl who knew cotton - not lace

Where did she go?
The girl who laughed too loud
The girl who cried unashamedly
The girl who held her own in a crowd

Where did she go?
The girl who could fistcuff & fight
The girl who stood her ground
The girl who didn't hesitate in calling right


Kausikram Krishnasayee said...

Hidden in thee,
waiting to flee,
and set the floor in fire!

What she needs is a break i guess,
from all this corporate misery!

Da Rodent said...

She is lost in the corporate jungle.

Deepti Ravi said...

Nopes, this one likes her job :) :) - I think just feeling like crap on getting older ! :D
@Kausik - How are you doing? Long time !
@Da Rodent - Congrats on the sis' marriage ! I believe we are now related, albeit distantly? :)

Da Rodent said...

@deepti: Whoa.. we are? Thank you :)

Usha Arun said...

Lost in Technological Era! :)