Wednesday, April 22, 2009


It's been so long since I last blogged - A period of enforced silence. The reason I did not write was not because I had nothing to say, but, rather, too much. With my head constantly exploding with a gazillion thoughts that begged to be released, I yearned to pour down my thoughts here, but the very fact, that all that I felt was too intimate and personal for public consumption held me back. My outpourings found a different vessel.

Now that the year is over, now that I return to the real world, a world I find myself flapping in like a fish out of water. I look at the clock ticking away and wonder why seconds seem to stretch on like hours. I sit in the home that has been my home for nearly twenty years and yearn to stretch my wings again. *Sigh....*....*Wanderlust....*


Kausikram Krishnasayee said...

good to see you back. :) been missing you

Da Rodent said...

"My outpourings found a different vessel." .. :P

Deepti Ravi said...

@ K K - hola to you to :)
@ Da rodent - Another blog :)

Da Rodent said...

@deepti: hehe. I swear I did not imagine anything else :P